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Comment Re:Not for me... (Score 1) 6

Google's spider hadn't yet hit it that day according to site stats, while everyone else's had. Strange, since Google spiders more than anybody. After it was spidered I got the same results as you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A New Old Book

About six months or so ago I decided to take a break from writing and do some reading, so I pulled an Asimov collection from the shelf. After half a dozen or so stories, I thought I'd read something that wasn't science fiction. Huckleberry Finn was on my mind, and since my copy was somehow lost I decided to just read it on the web; I remembered it being a really good book, though I hadn't read it in decades.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Good Bye, Google. 6

For the last several years I've noticed Google's search results getting worse and worse as time went by. Ten years ago, typing the title of a work returned that work usually in the first spot. They now seem to completely ignore the "title" meta tags.

Comment Happy for you (Score 1) 8

My year isn't starting out so well. So far only two people have bought Mars, Ho!. No best seller for me =(

Googling for it shows how useless Google is becoming; it's now completely disregarding any and all punctuation and spacing, as well as capitalization and word order like they've done for a while now. Searching for "Mars, Ho!" brings up a bunch of people and medical facilities named Marsho. Three pages in and no hint of any page with the words "mars" and :ho." Worthless.

Bing was better! Believe it or not, along with the folks named Marsho (people at MS are as stupid as Google staff... fucking morons) halfway down the first page was a NASA "Mars, Ho!" page, followed by my book. I think I'll change my default search engine.

Even the yahoos at Yahoo had better results, better even than MS's. The first result was, idiotically, Marsho Medical (look, idiotic seaqrch engines, there's a SPACE dammit). That was followed by NASA's "Mars, Ho!", followed by "images for", one of which was the book cover. Both Bing and Yahoo had the kindle editions listed on the first results, three pages down in Google and there's no hint the book even exists.

I'm kinda bummed... but I usually get the blues this time of year anyway.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fourteen: The Final Chapter 1

It's that time of year again. The time of year when everyone and their dog waxes nostalgic about all the shit nobody cares about from the year past, and stupidly predicts the next year in the grim knowledge that when the next New Year comes along nobody will remember that the dumbass predicted a bunch of foolish shit that turned out to be complete and utter balderdash. I might as well, too. Just like I did last year (yes, a lot of this was pasted from last year's final chapter).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! is now available 2

It isn't supposed to be. I'll get to that later, but first, please download the Amazon e-book! It's only two bucks and I'd really like to see my name on a best seller list.

Speaking of names, the dufuses at Amazon insist on a first name. At least they left it lowercase.

Comment Re:Lame roundup. (Score 1) 190

No one reasonable would argue that gaming peripheral companies haven't done a lot to make mechanical keyboards much more mainstream than they ever were when it was just Ducky, Filco, etc.

(And yes, I'm quite aware of the scene. I own a Realforce HiPro, a Unicomp, an IBM 6850 beamspring, a Matias Tactile Mini, a MAX Blackbird, and a Poker II with the Granite keyset. My point is simply that the market for mechs is bigger than it's been in ages, thanks to Razer, Corsair, CM, etc.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: An Upgrade

I've been really busy the last few days. I sent for the (I hope) final version of the three physical formats of Mars, Ho!; when they get here I'll release the e-book to Amazon and the printed copies for bookstore sales. I'll need the URLs for the checkouts before I "officially" release it. It'll be a couple more weeks. A while back I noticed "preview in web browser"in Open Office, so had a look. The paragraph indents were replaced by blank lines between paragraphs, but it was full

Comment Re:I like Zippy keyboards (Score 1) 190

Perhaps I'm misundertanding, but most people don't consider scissor switches to be the same as a mechanical keyboard. You still have a rubber-dome membrane underneath the switch. (Then again, most people consider Topre mechanical, even though that's just a plunger over a rubber dome over a spring. Who cares. Use the keyboard you like.)

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