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Comment Re:When is a bank not a bank (Score 1) 775

American Express, Discover, Visa, Mastercard et al. aren't banks, for one. Don't confuse the Bank of the Americas or Wachovia that provides the line of credit. As CC64love said, the credit card companies designed the system. Them being at fault for stolen cards would provide the incentive needed to secure the system they designed. The card holder has enough trouble already with card fraud, and the chump merchant with their $8/hr cashiers can't be expected to tell a fake card from a real one. So tell me why shouldn't the card companies be held responsible?


Court Says First Sale Doctrine Doesn't Apply To Licensed Software 758

An anonymous reader wrote to tell us a federal appeals court ruled today that the first sale doctrine is "unavailable to those who are only licensed to use their copies of copyrighted works." This reverses a 2008 decision from the Autodesk case, in which a man was selling used copies of AutoCAD that were not currently installed on any computers. Autodesk objected to the sales because their license agreement did not permit the transfer of ownership. Today's ruling (PDF) upholds Autodesk's claims: "We hold today that a software user is a licensee rather than an owner of a copy where the copyright owner (1) specifies that the user is granted a license; (2) significantly restricts the user’s ability to transfer the software; and (3) imposes notable use restrictions. Applying our holding to Autodesk’s [software license agreement], we conclude that CTA was a licensee rather than an owner of copies of Release 14 and thus was not entitled to invoke the first sale doctrine or the essential step defense. "

Comment Re:Debt (Score 1) 368

A historical example? Is the current recession bad enough for you? Eight years of tax cuts on top of the previous decades' cuts haven't helped economy in the slightest. They have made the wealth distribution worse. They have led to a ballooning of the debt. How can you possibly argue that the Bush tax cuts helped?

Comment Re:WTF (Score 2, Insightful) 709

Have you looked at the sponsors of PBS? Monsanto, BP, et al. It's gotten to the point where if I see a company I haven't heard of is a sponsor of PBS, I can pretty safely assume they're more evil than Satan's BO. If PBS got uppity and started reporting real news they'd be off the air for lack of funding in a moment.

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