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Comment Re:I still believe IEEE more (Score 1) 241

Thanks for that link; it's pretty clear that the ieee study is far more encompassing, perhaps close to the truth! I don't really like programming in C (although it's been many years since I've done embedded) or JavaScript (mostly because I hate UI work, oh and JS), but my languages of choice are still high enough in that list. I just wish every recruiter wasn't looking for "full stack" developers. Swift is fun to work with, maybe I should reinvent myself as an apple specialist.

Comment Re:And what, pray tell... (Score 4, Interesting) 519

...is my motivation to work in such a system?

If I do nothing, but am guaranteed a minimum basic income that lets me live, why should I work?

The motivation to work is much more than for simple survival alone. Now granted, when survival is at stake, motivation is going to be very high, and you can get all kinds of people to do unpleasant things in exchange for continuing to exist. But this is not the reality that we (the general /. reader) is facing in general. I work because my work is satisfying and gives a measure of meaning to my life. Granted, I need to do something to live, but in some kind of utopian existence where I didn't "have" to work, the only thing I'd like to see change is a move from an authoritarian work model to a strict consensus one. Automation continues to remove these unpleasant jobs that no one would do without the carrot and stick, so the future is not hugely endangered by the idea of a percentage of the population who doesn't want to work, not working.

Comment Re:The work Millennials do is just plain bad. (Score 1) 144

Er, are you talking about Java? C++ has garbage collection now? Or are you telling me you want garbage collection on embedded? Most of the grads I'm seeing don't know jack about C++ (and that doesn't matter, honestly), but they all learn Java. The thing that seems to be missing is learning about how a computer actually works. No one seems to understand what a byte is anymore! I get that we want to be abstracted away from this 90% of the time, but bloody hell, I can't even begin to comprehend what the universities are thinking these days.

Comment Re:Not JVM (Score 1) 172

Yes, there are trade-offs in both directions. Apple made the choice for ref-counting so that you have a consistent UI experience and generally lower memory overhead. For phone based apps I think this is the right choice. By the way, I don't think you can say that a GC is faster, just that it can be faster, in the real-world it can also be slower depending on how it's being used.

Personally I find GC to be a pain the rear due to the fact that it's generally a lot harder to resolve GC performance issues that are affecting you than RC problems. I think that for strongly typed languages a GC is the wrong choice, but it's certainly not a black and white issue, and most of the time it really doesn't matter.

Comment Re:Going voyeur... (Score 0) 339

How about "citations" proving all the bold counter claims? (scarlet alliance? give me a fucking break). I'm not saying that the idea was a bad one, I'm saying that it didn't bloody work. a reference Show me evidence to the contrary and I'll reevaluate.

Attitudes like yours really piss me off. Who is trying to push an agenda here? Your calling me a "wowser" whatever the *fuck* that is, because I "dared" to call out the bullshit that is your happy world view that if we just got the "man" out of everything then it would all be better. Well, news flash dickhead, the world and the universe does not give a fuck about what you think. Societies are too fucking complicated to model, so simplistic solutions such as "oh, if it were legal then everything would be better", don't always work out as planned. Smart people then look for something else.


Comment Re:Going voyeur... (Score 2) 339

See, I used to think the same as you and was supportive of legalised prostitution in my country (Australia). Which they have done. The problem is that it doesn't work. There is still sexual slavery, and indeed it's much worse than before and operates within legal brothels (not because of legalisation you understand, but simply to demonstrate that legalisation seems unrelated). There are just as many unfortunate, desperate men and women in prostitution to support a drug addiction (amongst other reasons). Often these people can't work in a legal brothel due to the regulations, and are hence just as vulnerable and exploited as they ever were. Meanwhile the price has gone down (which is bad for the desperate) the profile has gone up, and brothels continue to be centres of organised crime. Nothing good has come of it unfortunately. I now think the Nordic model is probably best (it has the best objective outcomes).

Comment Re: Meanwhile... (Score 1) 551

Sure, you will never have any trouble with some little test app. Load up a solution with several 100 000 lines of code, resharper and all the rest, and watch as the system starts to struggle. To be fair, I want all the features that are pushing the system to it's limits, but ever since studio became a .net monstrosity I don't feel like I'm getting much bang for my cycles.

Comment Re:ahhhh advertising, my good friend! (Score 1) 169

The safe strcpy versions crash your program by default unless you go to a bunch of effort to handle the specialised exception in a different way. The basic idea is that buffer overruns are worse then crashing, so how about we crash straight away to reveal where the bug is. There is really no reason not convert all of your strcpy's etc to strcpy_s, you'll only crash when it would otherwise be a buffer overrun.

Comment Re:Two things... (Score 1) 1839

I've thought a little more about this issue. Slashdot at it's best is much like formal debating. A topic of discussion may arise and one member will lay out an argument; sometimes appealing to logical reason, sometimes to emotion. Sometimes the argument will be made with references to lend more weight, sometimes not. In the good case, someone with a differing view will come along and present their own argument, trying to be more persuasive in the alternate view. Often the two submitters will cross-examine each others arguments testing the weaknesses. If the moderation is doing its job, and both submitters are worthy, then all of this debate gets moderated up to high insightful scores, and the casual reader gets to see two well argued positions. What might not be obvious here is that there are two very important things that "no editing" provides. The first is that the arguments are presented as is, there can be no revision. Weaknesses in the argument must be addressed by subsequent posts. This is important as the reader can see the point - counter point - counter counter point, as it occurred. The second is that the type, preview, submit, "it'd better be right or I'll look like a goose!" cycle encourages people to take their time. Good insightful posts often take 1/2 hour or more to prepare. It's like a mini journal, reviewed by your peers.

In my opinion, the people that are keen on editing want Slashdot to be more of a forum so they can respond quickly without thinking, fix up any egregious errors, and otherwise try and dominate conversations with speed and volume rather than quality. We don't need a lot of "your an idiot", "no you're an idiot". The preview button exists so that you can proof read your work. I think this was a very deliberate decision, and moving away from it would change the nature of the content that you see in these discussions.

Comment Mess with moderation at your peril (Score 1) 1839

The moderation system, more than any other singular thing, is what defines Slashdot. Getting a +5 insightful on this forum means something, and that can't be said of many forums. Every rule of the moderation system, every quirk, has been thought out and refined over a long period of time. It's much like software; "why does this legacy thing do this craziness?" And then you look through the history and see the strange edge case that it solves. There would be no quicker way to destroy this place, then to move too quickly on the moderation system.

Having said that, there are things that could improve (such as enforcing the "no down mod because you disagree rule"), but slow down cowboy, slow down.

Comment Re:You must be new here (Score 1) 1839

Enforcement of the rules in regards to moderation needs to be better. I know that's what meta moderation is meant to be all about, but I just don't think it's effective. The rule is don't down-mod because you don't like someone's post. Repeat offenders should simply not get mod points. Moderating comes with responsibility to do the right thing.

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