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Comment Re:Fox News (Score 1) 582

You must be rather new to the online experience. Back in my day (pre-BBS), there was some rather degrading and raunchy, vile shit being tossed back and forth between competing university students and faculty. That was back in the dinosaur era. Some of the things such as 'Lemon Party' and whatnot that came out later to be used as a troll, were in my opinion, quite tame in comparison.

Now it's all just devolved into silly nonsense and race/religion baiting.

Comment Re:Problem is always the same. (Score 1) 421

I know the person you are talking about, I also know that person who's boyfriend/fiance was in the hospital. Small world, online.

I did correlation searches on this woman using metrics like her repeated spelling errors of certain words, and I lost track at exactly 342 accounts that I am about 99% certain are hers, some still active, most were totally banned/suspended. I am sure she has more accounts sitting idle that she can move to when the others finally get canned.

I do think the woman is literally insane. BTW, if you have a Facebook account, don't be shocked if she has sockpuppet accounts she'll use to bother you on there, as well.

Comment Re:Strong reputation? (Score 1) 410

The trick is to file all repair orders through the US site, and never, ever the one in China or the EU. Doesn't matter what continent/country your physical hardware is actually in. I've had to do this a few times when the customer had some machines physically in Canada, some in Mexico, and some in the USA. Placed all repair orders and replacement part orders through the US site, the orders were then passed on to whomever they contract that work out to in those areas.

Mainly the only time I had to do this was when cement dust literally caked the inside of the computers (cement/gravel/fill production company). There was little that could be done about it, even with air filters and recirculating systems. Laptops were completely replaced every 3 months or so. It's just the nature of some of those things like mining/construction materials - this stuff happens.

Comment Re:Innovation (Score 1) 327

This. Every Lenovo product I've used so far has been of excellent build quality. I've actually closely examined their motherboards, etc and all chips, etc have been clearly labeled in English (all of the internal ports, etc were also labeled clearly), and were not "off-brand" knockoffs, but actually parts from Samsung, Hynix, etc.

They didn't even skimp on the CPU/case fans, but used an aftermarket fan instead of the craptastic ones Intel normally provides, and used Masscool fans for the case.

I have a theory that this is because Lenovo takes the issue of quality/pricing very seriously, especially in areas where it may affect their reputation. They took over the PC business from IBM and seem to have improved upon it, if anything.

Comment Re: are these really massive flops? (Score 1) 1029

Yes, but even movies that rake in a billion or more worldwide are considered "flops" under Hollywood Accounting practices.

Quite a few of the movies that don't make money or break even, were never expected to. Those movies always have large insurance policies taken out on them to cover any disparities between manufacture and distribution costs vs what they bring in.

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