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Comment "Unknown sources" != root (Score 1) 136

There aren't too many enthusiasts out there rooting their phones to be able to use f-droid, and the other stores are useless.

F-Droid does not require root. It requires "Unknown sources", a checkbox that appears in the "Security" or "Apps" settings of virtually all Android-powered phones and tablets except about the first year of AT&T phones. And in what way is Amazon Appstore useless?

Comment Get a Nexus (Score 1) 136

That's why I can get an update for the OS direct from Apple but I'm at the mercy of a carrier for Android?

I have an ASUS Nexus 7 (2012) tablet computer with Wi-Fi. My aunt has an iPad 2, also with Wi-Fi. Both get updates straight from the manufacturer. What "carrier" are you talking about? Do you mean an ISP?

Comment Are most countries still $0-only 5 years later? (Score 1) 136

On Android, most Android users don't pay for apps. Either because they can't (Google Wallet isn't universal), or other reasons. And if Google Wallet doesn't support the country, Google only shows free apps.

True, visibility of priced apps outside the United States was a significant problem in the Android 1.x and possibly early 2.x days. But I thought Google had expanded the set of countries in which priced apps are available over the past half decade.

Comment Support costs (Score 1) 136

But, just because they're not the most profitable set of users, doesn't mean you can afford to ignore them.

You also have to take into account support costs. The cost of diversity of Android-powered devices (or "fragmentation" as detractors call it) is increased cost of supporting all configurations. Fewer configurations can mean lower costs, which in some cases may outweigh the increased revenue from Android.

Besides, writing app A for iOS and app B for iOS can reach more of these profitable "whales" than writing app A for both iOS and Android.

Comment Improper fractions (Score 1) 136

Anyway, [revenue on Android is] a fraction of iOS revenue.

For one thing, rational numbers greater than one, such as 5/4, are still fractions. For another, app sales revenue doesn't tell the whole story. Due to Google's early failure to expand Google Checkout into all countries where carriers offered Android-powered devices, there is more of a culture of ad-supported software on Android rather than paywalls.

Comment Re:Clear Channel (Score 1) 631

So you think Clear Channel has monopolized the radio spectrum?

My microwave!

Lawful unlicensed transmissions on ISM bands are limited to a power that won't reach far out of a building, definitely not across a city. And even so, an entity that monopolizes the FM band monopolizes the user experience of people using FM receivers.

Monopoly doesn't mean Quadropoly.

True technically. But the laws are written broadly enough to cover both monopolies and cartels.

Rather nice how all those cellular monopolies offer all these choices like unlimited texting, huh?

At a substantial extra monthly fee that's not efficient for low-volume users.

Comment Clear Channel (Score 1) 631

The scarcity of radio spectrum would not result in a single radio broadcast corporation monopolizing the spectrum.

Apparently you've never lived in a city whose FM radio band was dominated by Clear Channel. Or when all four major U.S. cellular carriers raised their SMS pricing from 10 cents to send and 10 cents to receive to 20 cents to send and 20 cents to receive, in near lockstep.

Comment So do you buy every console? (Score 1) 199

There may be "open world third person shooter with grappling hooks" games available for Linux, but I don't want to play "open world third person shooter with grappling hooks", I want to play Just Cause 2.

So if you want to play one PlayStation 4-exclusive game, one Xbox One-exclusive game, and one Wii U-exclusive game, do you buy all three consoles rather than looking for a same-genre game on the PC you have?

Comment PS4 runs *BSD (Score 1) 199

PlayStation 4 doesn't run Linux. It runs Orbis OS, an operating system based on FreeBSD. The point is that if your company ports a game to OS X and PlayStation 4, those count as ports to environments with a POSIX heritage, and GNU/Linux is another OS that aims for POSIX conformance.

Comment With mods? (Score 1) 199

What the world is really waiting for is a console that acts like a dedicated PC gaming machine

You could always buy an iBuyPower SBX PC.

If the XBOX or PS4 (as well as game developers) would just take the mouse and keyboard seriously you could transform the entire landscape of console gaming to be much more in line with PC gaming.

Would this include ability to install and use community-developed mods, or would only the vanilla versions of games be available?

Comment Re:Stranded somewhere because B+ (Score 1) 260


Payphones have, in fact, been disappearing.

And all the passerby's are total douches that won'e let someone borrow thier phone for one minute.

So now anybody who is concerned that someone might run off with your expensive phone or use your account for a drug deal is a "total douche". Or what am I missing?

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