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Comment Re:How did their past predictions turn out? (Score 1) 412

I'm afraid the accuracy of the predictions are the least relevant thing here, they are merely a political tool on behalf the bank. Don't believe me? This bank sponsored (until very recently) a political party of its own, which made its way into the Danish parliament. They, too, are Ayn Rand worshippers and their whole anarcho-libertarian view lines up very well with those of the bank's founders.

Comment Re:Irresponsible. (Score 1) 120

Yes, that was a cheap shot. I deal with French engineers on a daily basis and I am not under the impression that they should perform worse than their American equivalents.

In fact, our subcon has a French FAE working very hard to fix all the regressions and firmware bugs produced by H1B workers in Silicon Valley.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
