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Comment Re:This is an extremely common issue! (Score 1) 67

I have 5gbps/5gbps fiber. The ONIT has a 10gbps ethernet port that I run to my router. I then have a second 10gbps port from that to my desktop. I can speed test around 7gpbs on a good day. My wifi is what most devices in my home use so the 5gbps doesn't help the speed there, but it does help with the congestion of all the devices using the upstream (cameras, zoom, etc).

I pay less than the 1200/20 Comcast offering in my area which was usually around 500mbps/20mbps. I love rural indiana.

Comment Re:The bigger they are... (Score 0, Troll) 255

But there is competition. Not only in the App Store, but there is android. It's not like you have to buy an iPhone. I picked an iPhone because it was a walled garden, it's also why I push it on my family whom rely on me to support them. Now I have to explain to them that these new app stores are unsafe and can 'steal their stuff' and deal with the fallout.

It's stupid, anyone who wanted these things should have bought from the competition!

Comment Re:Alternative browser engines is EU only? will th (Score 1) 104

You are misinformed.

3rd party browser engines will be allowed in the EU on 3rd party app stores. Now why you might want a 3rd party engine? Well probably because you have sites that just don't work in safari. I love safari and I use it every day on my MacBook and my iPhone, yet I still have to have chrome installed because things just often do not work properly in safari.

Comment Re:Cherry picking data points⦠(Score 1) 287

"What the market can bear". So if $11 is too expensive for most people, we won't get to 11, we will get to 10.99 or 9.99 or WHATEVER THE MARKET CAN BEAR. It is antithetical to the responsibility a CEO owes their shareholders to charge less for something when the data points to everyone just being ok paying more. Should companies earn record profits? Why shouldn't they if everyone just keeps paying it. Don't like it? Start a competitor? This is capitalism.

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