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Comment Re:I am not... (Score 1) 34

I often wonder if today's game code was built as efficiently as back then, how much better they would be. Back then they were limited by the hardware and code had to be tighter and less wasteful of resources. I've noticed that as hardware has improved by so many orders of magnitude, the quality of the gaming experience has not kept up at the same rate. I have to believe companies are trying to allow shittier coding be made up for hardware improvements; it's annoying as hell thinking about how games (and much else) could be running faster and with more interesting play. I hazard to think that reliance on multiple levels of frameworks has something to do with this.

Comment Re:I have lived with both options (Score 3, Insightful) 241

If you care to read about it, it is easy to find documentation from scientists and biologists who generally agree that daylight savings time is not healthy as a year round system. They agree that standard time is much closer to what the human body clock runs on. We have evolved to wake up when the sun comes up, and forcing people to get up way earlier than that with year round DST is very unhealthy. https://aasm.org/aasm-experts-...

Comment Too Expensive: PhotoJournalists Won't Buy It (Score 1) 45

A Nikon Z9 costs $US4,000.00 less, has WAY less expensive and greater selection of lenses, and for the purpose takes just as good a photo (most people can't tell the difference between shots taken with pro level Nikon glass, Tamron glass, Canon glass, Sigma glass or Leica/Zeiss glass). The Z9 has about the best and fastest autofocus on the market, massive dynamic range, and all the standard bells and whistles etc... and for sure the competitors are not far behind. It's just a matter of time before these cameras also implement similar metadata protection features.

Comment everyone loves...spending other people's money (Score -1, Flamebait) 352

Oh yes, your virtue signalling is putting so much food on the plates of people who can't afford your dream. They need to get to work in cities that they are increasingly being forced out of by privileged cunts like you. They can buy a car and fuel it with gas and operate it for the life of the vehicle for way cheaper than the up front cost of an EV. And even then they're having trouble paying for the fill up and you expect them to have the cash for that EV, on an income no bank will give loans on.

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