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Comment Re:But, but, but, Ukrainian??? (Score 1) 39

It was a lot more than just London getting bombed in WW2. It would be much easier to list the cities that weren't bombed, basically just Cambridge.

And a substantial proportion of the country was away fighting in that war. How do you arrange for them to vote, and get the votes back to the counting centres securely. How do you arrange polling stations when you don't know whether they are going to end up being a pile of rubble by election day? How do you arrange hustings/town halls with the candidates when they are going to become a military target for the enemy?

You definitely couldn't hold elections in Gaza right now.

Comment Slashdot somewhat broken (Score 0) 56

Slashdot is somewhat broken in this browser.
My own websites, which use the Vue3 framework are completely broken. The work just fine in Chrome/Firefox/Edge on Windows, Safari/Firefox/Chrome on Mac, Firefox/Chromium on FreeBSD, Firefox/Chrome on Linux, Chrome on Android and Safari on iOS+iPadOS. They don't work on Safari for iOS 12 on an iPhone 6+.

Comment Re:It'll be funny to watch (Score 1) 75

Would they though?
I'm not sure how it works in the US, but here in the UK, I pay a monthly fee for unlimited calls, and the only difference between the call plans available is the amount and speed of internet data you get.
So ideally, my phone company would want me to make zero voice calls.

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