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Comment Re:Not MITM (Score 0) 572

I grow tired of people outside of IT mislabeling things, I certainly don't need more of it within our own (educated?) groups.

Fatass, donut-glazed cheetos finger douchebag IT guy statement of the day.

Just because you pay money for it and install it, this does not mean it's not a "Man in the middle." It may be company sanctioned, but it's a MITM nonetheless.

Comment Re:What's the solution? (Score 1) 295

Is this really something that's best fixed by expecting Nvidia/ATI/Intel to release higher quality drivers for every distro? Or is this a distro problem, where LInux will simply never have ability to handle acceleration very well because it's a constantly-moving target?

It's an honest question. I'm curious to see what people involved with either Linux or GPU drivers thinks.

It's both. Distro's refuse to install the binary blobs from the providers, instead using the open source and usually crippled versions while the graphics card providers refuse to open up their source (though intel is better at this than the others).

I'm hoping a move to Wayland will smooth things out. I'm not a gamer anymore so intel graphics are good enough for me so I just deal with it.

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