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Comment Re:Great idea (Score 1) 143

Rapid deflation would make people rich.

It's not a very good thing for the world though.

If Cryptocurrencies were the dominant currency it would be like everyone was invested in a quickly rising investment when they were holding money.

The problem is the rich will wise up buy cryptocurrencies and become even richer.

Comment Re:1%ers (Score 1) 154

You're an idiot. It's not hard to do. It's just ethically problematic.

The government doesn't want to take responsibility for the successes because then it would be more responsible for the failures.

Also you're free because of the work lawmakers and law enforcers made before you were born, not because you have a gun. Reject.

Comment Re:Also in the news... (Score 1) 383

With multicasting we got about 4000 times more bandwidth than we had in 2000. We use less due to better compression.

We're not going to have a problem with overlapping data for a long time.

City density in Asia is many times that of Europe and North America and they don't have any problems.

There's really no reason to use anything but GSM anymore, it has more than enough bandwidth for everyone.

Comment Re:One thing this guarantees... (Score 1) 216

He won't be extradited since it sets a precedent that NZ doesn't protect it's citizens (and especially business leaders) from foreign law enforcement.

America is setting the precedent that rights are something that your own citizens get and everyone else should just hang.

Fortunately Europe is saying the opposite, that people have global citizenship and rights which they will protect. Therefore if you're locating data remotely you choose Europe, as you do for a number of other decisions involving protecting you from governments.

This alone is pushing Europe ahead of the U.S. these days and is something they should have seriously thought about before reacting to 9/11 and ISIS but they didn't. So the U,S, has become a laughingstock as well as less competitive.

Comment Re:Bring it on big guy. (Score 2) 216

He has money and he's standing up for piracy and pirates in general.

He's hiring good lawyers and fighting the good fight. He might set some precedents that will be useful later.

He's just lucky in that he was already successful before they came after him so he can do a reasonable job on his defense. Most piracy cases are targetting people who can't afford to defend themselves so their defense is weak and the precedents set are scary and horrible.

I don't think Kim really cares about the money he'd get from this, but he's interested in setting precedents that are good for piracy in general and we should applaud him.

Comment Re:Common sense (Score 1) 344

Thousands of experiments were carried out in microgravity.

When you see those big white boxes in the walls of the ISS many are experiments churning away.

Miniaturization and automation means that the astronauts aren't as involved in the experiments anymore.

Many of those experiments were proposed and brought forward because of the international aspect of the results.

That said Terraforming other planets has got to be the next big project.

Anywhere there is water we should be sending oxygen producing bacteria for our later use.

Comment Re:Common sense (Score 1) 344

We need to send bacteria to earth like planets. This is the next big project and I hope the world gets behind it.

It will take dozens of years to reach those planets centuries to take hold and billions of years to evolve into intelligent life but we should make the effort to spread life and teraforming now.

Comment Bill gates could do 10x as much (Score 2, Informative) 366

By investing in Nuclear.

He's friggen rich, no commitees, no government oversight, little respect for the common idiot.

DO NUCLEAR RIGHT. Even if it's just pebble bed or another of the safe ones it's still miles ahead of renewables.

And it creates GOOD jobs. Not manufacturing installation maintenance crap jobs but real jobs for 2nd tier geniuses.

It's frikken cheap, it's clean, it doesn't use a whole lot of scarce resources. What's the hold up Bill? Why invest in something that's already popular and being done by private companies and government. INNOVATE with your stupid foundation. INNOVATE.

You OWE US MORE THAN THIS for the companies you crushed and the open source you held back. INNOVATE YOU STUPID DONKEY CODE WRITING BUSINESS MONKEY!

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