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Comment Nintendo should care the least (Score 1) 110

Many games I see are really just movies with some interaction pulled from a 1st person shooter engine. They have something to loose by people seeing the videos because you've already played the game a millions times with a different story and/or look. If I see somebody play it, I don't need to play the game because while it might be good what makes it good isn't really the game mechanics itself; which hardly change...

Nintendo on the other hand, they have the same story, same look, few movies. It's all about the game play experience. Mario has been quite creative with the elements and the well paced and rewarding level designs despite it being just another Mario game with the same basic mechanics of the others. Seeing it isn't giving away anything-- experiencing it is the whole point. Nintendo therefore, should be the least concerned about this.

The challenges of the levels ARE the game with Nintendo. It is like getting good at a sport and wanting to play the sport; not new outfit on the same old opponent who has new story about why we are having a rematch (which is what the other games do.)

I get more new experiences from PLAYING Nintendo so I buy them; just as other people who play ...say tennis, still play tennis even though "everything" is the same. One should expect this from a 100+ year old game card company. Think of all the games of poker and solitaire that continue to be played... Then think that Nintendo's goals may have been to create digital versions of those card games you keep playing - except they can charge you each new poker game you play. Not sure I'm being clear on this, but I think there is a different perspective behind them which is what differentiates them (which will likely fade away if they don't actively maintain it.)

Comment Too much. (Score 2) 220

It's better they chuck some of it and stick with a few good bits. The encryption can be trashed as far as I care; that can be another group's problem. We need proxy caching and you can't do it with encryption and be secure.

The reason we can't move like before isn't the committee, it's that we now have a global system built around it and a great deal of investment in it. In the 90s it was all new; low risk, low impact. Today, there is a vast territory claimed and set; when you make new things you can't destroy all you've gained and unless you have a killer app (like the web was) people will not be motivated to make drastic changes.

DNSSEC is a great example of not having much motivation to do the pain in the ass it creates; furthermore, it doesn't completely solve a problem we all are that worried about. They may have made it quickly but people are not using it. IPv6 is long past due and here we sit... (at least we don't have a huge movement of IPv4 deniers saying it's not full and if it is, it wasn't our fault.)

Comment reply to parent (Score 1) 688

Sure, government can fund things without providing whole services but even the education they do provide is competing with private schools; they don't outlaw those. No monopoly; which again, doesn't apply to government which is always a monopoly.

The next step people often forget to think about is what happens when you fund something with gov money. You have accountability (real or lip service) and regulations that are necessary. Most private schools would not like vouchers. When they have to treat everybody equally it will not be so great for them. Then you have the whole religion issue where they can't give money to fund religious indoctrination of children; which is one reason many people go private (in my state most the private schools under perform but the faithful have no problem believing their schools are superior... or that the lesser education is not as important than brainwashing their children into not thinking for themselves.) I've been to private school, BTW.

Charters are the current fad. They do not perform any better on average and cost a great deal more money-- this is despite their ability to chuck all the kids they don't like! You'd think they would average out better given that HUGE advantage they have over public accept-anybody school.

As far as the invisible hand of the false god; the market... that is BS. Wake up to reality. Consumers do not have much say or care much - the impact is there but it is not absolute. Look at how Americans screwed their own economy with the rise of Walmart and other corps who ruined everything - it doesn't take much indirection and the consumer will fuck themselves over eagerly. It also has the problems of a direct democracy where only a few people can be experts and nobody can keep up with all the issues going on so people couldn't run anything larger than a single person could run (and while holding another job, having a life etc.) I don't buy a huge list of things but I can't keep up with all the boycotts. Then you apply this to education where parents do not know jack shit about education and the majority doesn't even care enough to get involved like they should be doing (remember, most people have both parents working and more combined hours than in the past; the time constraints alone are a problem.)

So, that private school going to open early so the poor kids who DO NOT EAT at home can get breakfast? nah, they don't allow those people in the school. Voucher schools can add fees on top of the gov money to do away with that... unless you regulate them; then they take in the minimum amount which is likely not enough.

Educators in most states are required to take continuing education themselves. Depends on how the program is run how well that works. The private colleges cater to the teachers the best with lots of pure BS courses that let you off the hook. I know educators. I even taught a course for them which surprised some because it wasn't a BS course like they expected; they made a mistake of not going to a private college. Don't know how bright they were, you don't take a course on robotics and computers in education and think it will be a joke... Like those courses on multiculturalism where they just go around town eating ethnic food (I'm not kidding, that is a course! not at my less prestigious public university but the fancy private college down the street.)

As far as latest education research-- teachers are the worst at learning new things! They are extremely set in their ways. I think it has to be a result of conditioning; they spend decades doing similar things that work well enough for them so it should naturally be hard to get them to change. Even if your great new thing works well, it may not work well for the individual teacher or the subject matter or the demographics. Sure, fire them and get a new sucker who is into the new fads and you might not end up any better for years while they get broken into the job. Although they can have advantages, educational fads do come and go. Some have bad results long term, there is a history of failed programs that did HARM to the guinea pigs; err, children. So adopting something popular is not a good thing. Being traditional is safer. The actually reasonable approach which never would happen (at least in the USA) would be to take the children doing well and stick them into schools that are traditional. The children who do poorly need to be put into schools that try out new experiments on them. Lumping people together by random or baseless factors (like income) isn't a formula for success. Yes, in some cases this would likely be a huge problem... a school full of ADHD children would be a nightmare! Ok say you do this, then people would get upset their brat gets less funding because traditional school is cheaper and the ADHD school gets more money... Psychologists... learning issues are mostly emotional issues, but we fund cops and "CEO"s in the school over psychologists.

Measurements are the huge problem. huge huge huge problem. People couldn't pick out CPUs other than looking at Ghz... If you did find the magic statistics the consumers wouldn't understand them. The political football education has been made into is why it's going downhill. It would have been better off saying the same since the 1960s. There are so many factors to measure as well... Like fact vs opinion-- 40+% of college students entering today? (that was probably last decade) well, they didn't know the difference! I doubt that improved. Fact vs opinion was taught to me ..3rd grade? Perhaps they stopped... but I'm thinking they still do it but the culture is so bad that kids end up all wrong by adulthood. I didn't even get into cultural issues! Like I said, you don't fix things with a 1 size fits all solution and we mess with what works whenever we try to fix what does not. No, again lots of smaller private schools do not fix the real problems. Parents don't know what to choose-- they'll just end up at Walmart Academy because it has low prices and high test scores (but only produce good walmart workers/consumers.)

I'm well aware of public school issues in my state (one near the top until no child left behind) and it is not perfect. But the solution is not to simply attack unions or the disrespected and generally underpaid teachers. That doesn't solve anything. Even if that helped, it can only be a tiny aspect to all the issues involved. I think the only way there is any hope is to remove politics from the equation because modern US politics is completely toxic to anything it touches; that means voters not responding to the issue as well as not polling it as a priority.

You go on believing your 1 maybe 2 factor solution will solve X. As well as thinking the only reason X hasn't been solved is because your solution has not been tried (or if it has not, it wasn't tried hard enough.) The reality is we have no simple solution and the problem will ever never be solved to peoples relative judgement.

Comment Hey at least she is only breaking HP. (Score 2) 288

She can't outsource American citizens and make things appear better; that is, other than deporting a bunch of people... which was probably in her campaign platform. (No, I'm not saying that would help the country but it would be consistent reasoning.)
  So... did HP rob the pensions yet?

How can anybody let her get away saying such extreme BS like that? Corporations and capitalists LOVE to fire employees. That is point of the game; to pay as little as possible and get as much for the shareholders as possible. They ONLY hire people out of extreme necessity and as soon as it's possible they fire people. They aim low as possible in every nation they reside in. That is just good business. They resent having to pay anybody because that is overhead taking away from their profit margins.

Comment Re:Article is about computers OUTSIDE the classroo (Score 1) 310

Same can be said with TV. TV makes people stupid but a tiny bit of it is informative and constructive... so it's good! We need that 1% so we can excuse something we like. McDonalds has healthy food! I got a yogurt with my big mac, fries, and sugar water.

Didn't we just have something on /. about how it is harder to READ in a linear normal fashion because people are skimming online all the time and it's impacting how our brains work to the point of diminishing reading skills (that is, conventional reading skills.)

There is plenty about delayed gratification problems and it's trends. Then if you get into video editing, they have reduced the attention span down to 2.5 seconds when it used to be higher (just watch an old film and count the cuts and transitions vs a new film.)

It's a Brave New World.

Comment Re:No surprises (Score 1) 688

It used to perform well and it was government run and unionized. It is not a monopoly, that is idiotic; you don't have competing governments... except in war.

Measurements are the whole problem and most people don't realize that IS the problem. You'd think /. readers would have some experience implementing hair brained schemes in software that they'd realize the folly of simplistic systems that are static and rigid. Especially when they manage humans; who can find ways to out smart such things with ease.

The biggest problem is the Republicans adopting education as an issue. I'm not kidding or being partisan. With the shift towards education since the 60s, somewhere around the late 70s polls showed voters (a minority but the only people who matter) were more concerned about education than other issues. The increase in the relative importance of education made the Republicans adopt the issue instead of not putting much effort into it. The Dems had the issue but didn't do much with it before that time either. The war began between the two parties marketing BS policies and BS statistics as education became the political football and our children are the collateral damage.

Just because you were educated does not make you an expert on education, just like getting dental work done does not make you an expert on dentistry! I don't consider myself an expert; however, I am technically one. I have many times the experience of any politician or most Americans who thanks to education policy of the 80s onward are completely confident of their complete ignorance. Yes, the ignorant confidence of Americans is actually a cultural shift partially fed by education initiatives started in the 80s; when for some odd reason they were concerned about lack of confidence. (If you don't know something you shouldn't be confident about it.) We also don't know the difference between opinions and facts... nuanced things like expert opinion are pointless if you can't discriminate between fact and opinion. The TV reporters can't either. They report facts against poll data... 20% say 5 is greater than 12! begin the shouting match.

The culture is fucked up; but we can't talk about all the other huge factors; arguably, the larger ones. You can only do so much from just 1 position, the other legs of the table need to be there too.

Comment ALWAYS forgotten are the metrics (Score 2) 688

Just a look at the U.N. education data (try and you will see 3rd world nations rising HUGE amounts. As everybody gets to the top, the relative differences are smaller and rankings should fluctuate more as it takes so little to decide between them. The spread is much smaller now. The difference between 1st place and 20th place is small.

Then you have metrics; that was just the distribution of the results and how it's glossed over completely, with metrics you have measurement issues like the demographics (does the top nation only test the top students?) what things you measure and how those differ (sometimes the test changes) and lastly, what should they know? If you teach concepts in math at a young age (which can include calculus and algebra) without technical drudgery until they are older (and better able to sit still) you are going to do poorly when the measurement expects you to learn in a certain prescribed order.

Mediocre is just fine. As long as most people are in the middle of the bell curve and that is "mediocre" which is enough for most jobs, then what is the big deal? We actually have much bigger problems than education that are not being solved. What good is it to have plenty of decent IT workers when industry will claim otherwise simply so they can suppress wage increases or perhaps they just want the best in the world and refuse to make do with mediocre? Even if that mediocre is better than the planet, they still can want more and for less. (In which case who says your top people will stay in the country? Especially when it is not going to be the best place for them to live? We've got a lot of brains here because they moved here and stayed here; so far.)

If you want to work at McDonalds, move to the EU where they make at least $20 and hour; with better healthcare. Middle income profession? Move to Canada, they make more than Americans + better healthcare + it's still a democracy.

The education system here for the most part, isn't so bad that it prohibits upward mobility for most students - IF THEY WORK AT IT. The culture will do them more harm than the education system. When kids get tried as pedophiles or jailed for nothing or shot or drugs...consumerism... not to mention available JOBS... doesn't matter how good you teach them; they have bigger problems...

There is nothing wrong with a non-college educated half illiterate person doing construction work at a decent wage; or whatever - not every job requires the education and none should pay so little the economy is borked- which is what is happening among other things.

Yeah, that good STEM degree will make life wonderful and easy for sure!

Comment Re:Hope and change! (Score 1) 284

1) RomneyCare is better than nothing. Besides the irony has been enjoyable. It won't be called ObamaCare for long some already are dodging the label now people are waking up. It still sucks but the free market anarchy we had was worse. Again, it still sucks!

2) Bush didn't care about Osama. Publicly said so. 2002. Then did more later; that is, more to STOP doing anything about it, even to the point it was a legitimate criticism in the 2004 election. Then after that, he retasked the CIA/etc away from the little work they were still doing. Look it up. If anything, they didn't want to take out the symbol of their most effective propaganda ever. It's one thing to be half-assed and it's another to do what they did (or stopped doing in this case.)

3) Many of the Democrats lost their seats since then. Many are still around too... and they should totally have been booted for trusting Bush but gerrymandering...

The budget is done for the coming year. 1st year of Obama it was the previous government's budget. Bailouts included in that. Also, a huge chunk of the debt is simply interest on the existing debt. Since the debt grows continually forever... even if it doesn't grow the interest makes it grow... Every president is going to set a record; including Clinton who fixed the deficit but NOT the debt. BTW, when he did, Greenspan was right out there telling everybody we needed more debt quick! They wouldn't have paid off much debt since "The Great Wizard of Econ" said not to, pay no attention to the bankers behind the curtain.

Obama is more than a disappointment; he is just the other side of the coin... with just a sliver of real difference between him and McCain or Romney. The class war continues to be lost while people fight over splitting hairs. BTW, the class war never ends, it's the longest running war in human history and longevity is rooted in human nature.

Comment Re:Timothy McVeigh (Score 2) 449

Sorry friend, McVeigh was no coward. If he was so cowardly, he wouldn't have taken the risks he did in the first place and he wouldn't have been as easily caught. He was so anti gov he didn't have plates on the car and if he had any sense or fear he'd have not let such things make him stand out so easily. Besides, given his motives, he was trying to inspire a revolution which if at all successful would have given him an outlet to do more "cowardly" insurgent tactics. He didn't cry like a baby when they executed him. BTW, his military training was in explosives. Was he supposed to charge the building with a rifle?

Stop calling people using their tactical advantages cowards. The American Revolution was quite cowardly and broke the rules of war of the time. If they had honorably followed the rules of war they would have lost big time. Seriously, how stupidly "courageous" do you have to be to stand up in firing lines at close range and shoot at each other like it was some kind of sport?

Flying killer robots are cowardly; on a whole other level beyond McVeigh but that is ok?

Comment Leaving bits out doesn't make it clear. (Score 1) 584

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

1) "the people" is a phrasing which is a little vague but often means a group or groups not individuals; usually "person" is used for individuals (see rest of document.)

2) Militia is how it starts out- people forget that part. In context, it doesn't look like they are literally saying let people have small pop guns for hunting and feeling manly or giving cowards false security. They wrote things to be open for interpretation shifts over time rather than having to redo it frequently. Also, they didn't win the revolution because some people had guns; they acquired more weapons than what was on hand at the start.

3) The constitution is not the bible. The clever part being the patch system; which is where Amendments come in.

4) Mistakes were made, prohibition for example, slavery for another. Thinking "Arms" does jack today is laughable. Other nations handle the issue better.

Free training and access to serious guns and weapons in many controlled safe ways is possible; others do it sanely without a full time military, why can't we? Some nations make everybody get military training; which makes an insurgency extremely effective later on and those work well against bigger opponents. It needs updating for fighting machines... except most governments see that as a holy grail of control. The idea individuals can do shit is idiotic; it takes large numbers working towards a common goal - which is the proper mode of thinking here. When stuff gets so bad you have a mass resistance you need the groundwork laid for an effective insurgency; and insurgents can steal and smuggle but they need something to grab and know how to use it. Poorly defended armory bunkers is one approach... where it would take 100 people to capture it for example. Chipping weapons makes this difficult not to mention the huge profits extorting money from the buyers long term (tanks etc too; interesting they don't have preventive measures on those.)

Comment nope. (Score 1) 131

DFL primaries seem to function but the GOP ones are largely rigged. I have also observed primary cheating (and it's legal.)

Say you get your honest candidate in or your 3rd party person gets into 1 of the two parties. If your person gets to run, then you have not only the other side and likely the press against them (because the press defends the established parties) but you have some of their own party working against them; especially the corrupt elements of their own party.

Ultimately, you can and I often do blame the public, which is an argument that applies to everybody in every form of tyranny. It's one thing to rise up against a dictator and quite another to wake up against The Brave New World. Modern mass-control methods (when you start learning about them) makes one wonder if democracy is even possible in the future... you don't need to fool everybody all the time, just a majority... and getting people to NOT vote and give up is just 1 technique out of a continually growing list of techniques.

  The voting process itself has a massively huge impact; the only hope is to get good voting systems in place. We have nothing of the kind. It would be a miracle to use the broken system against the entrenched powers to repair itself long enough for it to begin to function again.

All that said, all democracies fall into despotism-- that is just the natural life cycle. Sadly, we live during the end of our short-lived one. It's the people who are responsible for that as well; which is why fixes don't really work - once the disease spreads you are only buying time. Sorry to be realistic.

Comment Greenwald is only putting on a show? (Score 2) 297

That is odd, I thought FOX News, CNN, MSNBC were all putting on shows with entertaining gossip, talking heads with poor track records (but good ratinings) and other infotainment BS? Why would I bother to READ anything Glen Greenwald writes when I can turn in simple minded entertaining tripe that will not depress me?

High profits and high ratings come from being ALL SHOW. I think you have him confused with most the media.

The ONLY reason Greenwald makes a living competing against the infotainment industry is because he has actually done his job. Which BTW, a large part of it is getting out the news to as many people as he can. People wanting some real news about things that actually matter go to him in great enough numbers he can make a living; an idealistic type like him wants readership more for spreading the news than for merely increased profit. It does little good to dump news in ways that people don't get it; it's irresponsible and defeats the point.

Spreading out leaks and structuring them so the PR spin/coverups become evident is a whole level above just good journalism.

As far as leaking things that harm the US; well that is really what a free press is all about! Leaders kill plenty of people in more ways that people realize but that is OK?? They always justify their actions with time-tested rhetoric that people are so conditioned to that it hardly needs repeating. What we need is people bringing up the 4th estate as being every bit as justified as the other branches of government for the loss of life for "high minded ideals" (doesn't that phrase always seem empty or sarcastic? things are exploited so much the words lose meaning.)

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