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Comment Re:Why are you so backwards? (Score 1) 405

Why on earth are you still using a landline? A mobile phone will probably be cheaper, you can take it with you anywhere (even in your home), and most of them can sync with your computer contacts (or even your contacts in the cloud).

My landline is free (included with DSL, they're desperate to keep subscribers), whereas my mobile costs me $15/month.

The cordless phone works perfectly everywhere in the house, whereas the mobile only works in certain magic spots (they tell me this is a normal consequence of living way up in a high-rise).

The landline has crystal clear quality at all times, whereas the mobile is compressed and ugly even under the best of circumstances.

The landline lets me use any number of nice, easy-to-hold phones with great speakerphones, whereas the mobile only lets me use tiny little things that are impossible to rest on my shoulder while using my hands for anything.

The landline integrates perfectly with my Asterisk VoIP setup at no cost, whereas the mobile requires me to pay $0.04/minute when I route calls to it.

The landline + VoIP arrangement lets me call almost any country I need to at piddling charges ($0.00-$0.02/minute); the mobile is $0.05/minute at best for international calls and skyrockets upward from there for certain destinations.

A good landline phone costs $40 and a good VoIP phone costs $200. A good mobile costs $600.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 174

If there's a reason to the music I like, I would like the computers to tell me. I like all sorts of music, from acoustic folk to pop to alternative rock to christian rock to screamo. I'll even listen to some country now and again. If a music recommender can understand that by my admission to enjoying 38th Parallel and Blindside, that I'd also enjoy something by Jack Johnson, I'd be amazed.

Comment So... (Score 1) 560

I guess I've never actually asked ("Excuse me, but do you have a fire blanket on board?" "Why?), but I'd hope planes carry a fire blanket on them. Maybe it's not so dangerous if you have a quick response?

Comment Re:Why scroll lock wins (Score 1) 939

I use the number pad in WoW, too, and I find myself pretty much forced to play on a Mac. Aside from the numlock issue you mentioned (it's simply a calculator Clear key on a Mac), if you want to do something like bind Shift-NP2 to your 2nd action bar, either the keyboard or the OS fails to recognize this as a key combination; it thinks you're pressing "down arrow".

Comment Re:In other news: (Score 1) 73

And where, pray tell, did you get THAT load of tripe? I'm a BSD fan and all, but to think that NT will switch to a BSD base, is absurd, Android less so, but still ridiculous, and Mac I can't see switching from it's Mach/FreeBSD hybrid that works so well for it.

Comment You're under a misconception (Score 1) 220

I'll grant you that Ethanol is a toxic substance to possibly every organism on Earth, and that methanol is toxic to many things, but not necessarily everything. Not every alcohol is toxic. According to you, glycerin, an alcohol, is toxic. So we should stop using it as a medicine. Furthermore anything in sufficient quantity is toxic. Oxygen is toxic to humans in sufficient quantity. Which is why divers don't use pure oxygen for diving. We need a little nitrogen in our oxygen (although there are certain medical exceptions to this rule). It seems to me, you are the one not being scientific. the NOVA organism you're looking for is the one I listed as living in rock. As I said, I'm no biologist, and thus can't really debate how much water any given bacteria may have in it.

While I can't prove that there can be live that is not based on water, you have not offered any theory to prove that silicon based life using an alcohol is not possible. Once you rule out the impossible, anything left is possible. It is unscientific to preclude or conclude, without evidence or defensible theory, that something is impossible.
In fact, I'll submit that intelligent life is not possible without alcohols. For example you would quickly die, after your neurons stop firing, if all sources of the alcohol choline were removed from your diet. This would be a very difficult thing, almost any food you eat will have some choline source in it. I know of no advanced lifeform that could survive without alcohols. Therefore, by your own standards, alcohols are essential to life.

Comment Re:Where is the controversy? (Score 1) 277

>>>And if the suspect went back into the house to retrieve a gun so he could shoot the cop, you'd probably be dancing in the streets that yet another jack-booted thug was put down, huh?

Taking a page from Jimmy Carter I see. If you can't make a well-reasoned argument, then demonize the liberty-loving protesters. Not cool pal. That was very Kenye West of you.

Comment Re:Not suitable for 15 yr old boys? (Score 1) 215

What I want to ask this guy (SA Attorney General) is this:
Why do you think that the safeguards put in place to prevent R rated computer games from being sold to minors would be any different to those currently in place for R rated movies and why do you think such safeguards would not be adequate to prevent minors from gaining access to this content?

Comment Re:Patents and overseas developers. (Score 1) 232

Companies selling software can't just ignore US market. It's too big.

Of course if you sell via internet from an oversea country, you may imagine you can avoid legal risks from US.

However, your US customers will be wary of buying something from abroad without local legal recourse if anything goes wrong. I most cases, you also need to have local sale forces and support.

Comment Re:simple idea (Score 1) 444

I'll assume you aren't trolling, and point out that disks work BECAUSE OF the air inside. The heads gain lift.

I'll correct that for you:

Current designs of hard disks rely on there being air inside in order to float the heads. But you wouldn't necessarily need to float the heads on air if you redesign the disk to suspend the heads in some other way (Off the top of my head, lets say a magnetic field. Of course, you'd have to make sure the magnetic field you suspend the heads in doesn't interfere with the magnetic field they are reading/writing). Also, air is just a fluid - it may be that you can find a different fluid to fill the drive with that has better properties for the job in hand (e.g. higher speed of sound).

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