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Comment Like the Evil bit, but different ... (Score 2) 98

We need a "Porn" bit that is defined by user user login, and sent with TCP/IP packets to say that the user is OK with receiving adult content#. The Administrator who creates accounts can then say which accounts have the bit set. By default it is not set.

If someone is able to hack their account settings, then either* :

  • They are old enough to watch adult content
  • They are perfectly capable of bypassing any other protection divisible by humans

Alternatively, packets containing adult content could have the Porn bit set, and the recipient's machine machine do the censorship.

# Defining adult content is a fraught issue. In my experience, Europe and America have totally different ideas of what is adult material. * "protection" devised by AI is unlikely to work as intended.

It might also be worth having a GDPR bit. If set, your data must be protected according to the GDPR laws. If your Locale is in Europe, this should be set automatically.

Comment Re:Contaminated Control Sample (Score 1) 249

This is the UK, not the US. It is a different world.

People with little or no income receive "benefits" through an amazingly complicated network of rules that is mostly incomprehensible, and as a result, so I was told, it costs GBP30 in bureaucracy for each GBP1 paid in benefits, if any one person is earning significant money.

Consequently, on the face of it, a system based on "just give them the f'ing money, damn it!" would likely be massively cheaper

The present system has the highly undesirable side effect of demolishing families where one parent works and the other does not, and splintering family houses into houses of multiple occupancy because if a large number of adults live in the same "family" (as determined by nameless government officials) no one gets any benefits.

Also, with the present system, if you take a short term job because your employer went bust, then you will end up with 5 weeks of no income before, and another five weeks with no income after the short term job, so, unless the pay is incredibly high, you won't take the job, because the consequence is likely to be you and your children starving.

in short, the present system sucks in every possible way, and something must be done. "Just give them the money" is something that is very cheap indeed to any realistic alternative in the UK.

The objections come from people who are told by the right wing gutter press that people on benefits are "scroungers" and remain on benefits most of their lives. Such people do exist, but the vast majority are people whose employers went bust as a result of stupid government policies, or people whole family has suffered an adverse event (eg breadwinner sick or dead), and will soon be back at work - but probably much sooner with UBI, as they can spend time looking for jobs instead of in government offices facing interrogation or filling in irrelevant forms.

The real "benefits scroungers" are companies whose rate of pay is so low their employees need to receive benefits to survive. While other companies are taxed to support them. It should be illegal for a company to pay dividends if their employees cannot live on their wages. (We have a government defined "living wage", which is higher than the "minimum wage"). I think it would be perfectly acceptable to pay the minimum wage provided you pay no dividends to shareholders especially if the UBI ensures they won't have to go shop-lifting for bread, bacon and cheese (currently most frequent shoplifted items - according to a newspaper I probably would not trust with second hand Royal Gossip.

Comment Re: Wow (Score 1) 168

Right now a car's infotainment center must include coding for both of these standards.

Proprietary infotainment systems are a major cause of depreciation in second hand value. After three years, they are worse than useless because of failure to comply with all known standards and software update costs that exceed the value of the car.

If only you could rip them out and replace them with generic ones like we used to do, at least they would not have negative value, but in many cars they are linked to functions like heater controls.

Does the auto industry actively seek to be hated or what?

Comment Re:This will fail (Score 1) 243

33% of the time in a show like it is on TV is excess.

Commercial TV in the UK used to be restricted to 6 minutes of ads per hour, which was OK.

I have no idea what happens on TV now, because I don't watch it.

If I could not use an ad blocker I would not watch Youtube at all. If they die, I will order several crates of beer to celebrate.

Comment Or go the whole Boss Hogg ... (Score 1) 139

Or, you can do what I did. I completely removed Windows.

They may tell you "no one ever got fired for specifying M*******t", and it may be true.

I for one, would sack anyone who brought Windows into my business It is considered a serious breach of security protocols to even use the word M*******t. Using the word "Windows" for anything other that a glass panel in the wall could result in pay deductions, depending on context (eg without an X preceding it).

Comment Re:AI content is incredibly low quality (Score 1) 26

There is a fundamental problem with AI - it is not supporting the concept of truth.

Humans can have a concept of truth, because they can verify things by physical contact with the real world.

AI can only reference electronic information. It has no ultimate hard reference. We can do physics experiments, or die in multi-vehicle pile ups.

AI cannot tell the difference between Newton's laws of motion and Trump's ramblings. Sure it can "ask Siri" to help out. Well, its not going to help out.

"Ye canna break the laws of physics captain!" only applies to things with a corporeal existance. The rest is as solid as "2001 - a space oddity".

Comment Re:So I'll just download an update ... (Score 1) 55

"expected life of 2 years"

This was considered normal 15 years ago.

Since then, most users have figured out that the new phones are less useful than the old ones due to things like frequent changes to the UI, and the definition of "USB" being interpreted as "Unpredictable Stupid Bollocks".

Comment Re:Just got layed off. And my bank account's froze (Score 2) 57

May be they can afford 80,000 people, but if they can replace them with 80,000 threads on their AI engine, jobs are gonna go - even if the AI output is a load of rubbish,

Anyone who is supplied with information by Google knows it is already rubbish.

Unfortunately, everything is rubbish these days.

We are doomed - we are all doomed <appologies for lack of a credible Scottish accent>.

Submission + - SPAM: Tech world is imploding at last

Anne Thwacks writes: For years, people have been predicting AI will bring about the end of the world — its happening as you read this...

I, and many other friends and family members are stuck in loops:

10 Attempt to communicate with website 20 Website does not work ...
30 click the "help" button
40 robot answers
50 explain problem to robot
60 robot says "RTFM" with link, allegedly to FM, but borked
70 GOTO 10

I myself have spent 2 months trying to communicate with a human at Google, but they have all been laid off (presumably misread the email, and thought they were getting laid). And 3 months trying to prove my ID to the UK government so I can pay my tax. Are there any reports of people hacking into HMRC and paying other people's taxes? Enquiring minds want to know!

I have many other similar stories (Yahoo, etc), but obviously can't reveal them because GDPR! (or they were written in 6502 assembler or Ruby or something).

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