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Comment flawed "research" (Score 5, Insightful) 199

30 mA will light most modern LEDs screaming bright. Or very bright, at least.

Deciding that the camera is not uploading images to the cloud based on power consumption is like deciding that water is wet by looking at clouds... I did not see any mention of ethernet packet capture in TFA. You want to see if the thing is uploading? show me some captured packets.

The argument is specious at best. It is a wireless camera, administered over an internet connection. In "power down" mode it still needs a way to be powered back on -- so it needs to keep its microprocessor and wifi radio on.

The researcher says that power down mode should reduce current by 10-100 times. Let's see. 1/10 of the 322 mA cited for 360p "video record -- no motion" would be 32 mA. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you cannot run a microprocessor and wifi radio at that power level. And the 1/100th? 3.2 mA? NFW.

TFA is a troll, perhaps by a shill. it is a crock of shit, and it stinks.

Comment let's print money with a perpetual motion machine! (Score 1) 1291

Let's print money with a perpetual motion machine!

The problem with this idea is the basic fact that the government has no money of its own. All the money the government gets comes from levies on the taxpayers. That's taxes.

The best indication of how naive this idea is comes right off their own page: http://www.basicincomeaction.o... -- Let's increase the money supply! If we print more, then we can give away more! Never mind that printing more money devalues the money that has already been printed. A death spiral.

To quote our friends from Monty Python: "what a stupid concept."

Comment Re:The level of ignorance is just sad (Score 1) 956

Me too. In 1970. I brought a box to school, all taped closed, with a switch and a blinking light. 2nd grade. Teacher asked me "what's that?". I answered "It's a bomb."

They called my mom. "XXX says he has a bomb. Does he really have a bomb?". "No, he has a vivid imagination." That was the end of it.

This really happened.

Comment linux based security is useless (Score 1) 212

You might get a picture of a thug carting off your tv and macbook. or not. either way, your stuff is gone, your door is smashed, your privacy is violated.

you're going about this all wrong.

physical security is a better bet. what you need to do is make your place much more difficult to break into than the neighbor's place, and make that very obvious. thieves are lazy. they will find an easier target in 99% of the cases.

Me, I would not live there. because you still have to park your car somewhere, and you still have to cart your stuff from your car into your fortress.

Comment 802.15.4 (Score 1) 278

You have got to wonder what they have up their sleeve to add support for 802.15.4. This is the stuff that Zigbee runs, meaning all of a sudden, there is a gateway between (relatively) expensive (relatively) high-speed wifi devices and a whole lot of (relatively) inexpensive (relatively) low-speed internet-of-things devices, like SCADA of light switches, HVAC controls, home entertainment, etc.

Very interesting, indeed. What is behind door #2?

Comment don't put utter bullshit on your linkedin page. (Score 3, Interesting) 634

"For 40 years, I programmed in C, C++ and Python, primarily in the Unix and Linux environments"

Really. Is your name Ken? I didn't think so.

You can't pull bullshit around smart people. Though maybe you don't notice it so much at a dairy farm.

C was not seen out side of Bell Labs until 1973 at the earliest, most likely 74 or 75, so *maybe* that is true. But the C Programming Language was published in '78, so I call BULLSHIT.

C++ was just a gleam in Stroustroup's eye until about 1983, so I call more BULLSHIT.

Python first hit the streets in '89 or '90, so more BULLSHIT.

Unix, unless you were at Bell Labs, was not seen anywhere until the earliest, 1974, so maybe not bullshit, but I'd still call more BULLSHIT.

And linux is not even 15 years old, so there's no way that anybody has been programming on Linux for 40 years, so still even more BULLSHIT.

Stupid recruiters can't tell the difference between bullshit and tasty chocolate, but Google does not have stupid recruiters.

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