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Comment Re: Two companies I don't like (Score 0) 153

it is simple, you do not want an Apple product, you want an Android, which lets you do all those things.

Apple is what it is for the very reason that it is controlling every aspect of your experience on their platform. If Apple starts allowing everything, they will lose control over how things work and look on an iPhone/iPad and if things no longer have to look and to behave in the way Apple dictates then the very point of getting an iOS device os lost.

I understand that maybe 50% of people have iPhones but that just means that they bought an appliance Apple and cannot get it to do other stuff

Comment it is a common practice in Russia (Score 1) 35

it is a common practice in Russia to sell personal information, phone billing information, past travel information, all sorts of data is available on the 'black market' (in reality it is right in the open, left, right and center. Reputation institution is not well developped in that country, so companies don't care much, but maybe it became a little scarrier for companies now, that Navalny and Bellingcat posted videos using this type of information to uncover the group of FSB (ex kgb, similar to DHS) that poisoned him on putin's orders.

Navalny went further and used this information (phone numbers) to dial the chemist that trailed and poisoned him. Here is a video of one of these murderers talking to him on the phone, not realising who he is talking to and believing that he is talking to a representative of one of the higher ups who ordered the hit.

So at this point some of this information may become more difficult to get, but not really. Russian 'laws' are set up so that government can get access to all of this data to oppress the opposition and whoever it wants to oppress, to steal from, to murder and because of that access will remain open.

Russians are quite poor due to the mafia that runs the country, so they will sell anything....

Comment Re:ha ha ha ha! (Score -1) 180

not exactly, the metal market is MUCH larger than some failing business like GME. There is a good reason to short stocks - you balance your long positions with your short ones. Of course shorting on margin and shorting more stock than exists.... but at least a company can always issue more stock. Not the same thing when it comes to metals. Cannot print yhem if people decide to get physical possession of those futures contracts but slso the market is orders of magnitude bigger, I don't think reddit can move it significantly. What it can do is shine a light at the imbalance and get some serious money asking the same questions...

Comment Re:Actually: Cost of hiring cheap, bad coders (Score 0) 118

Comments like the one above are easy to make but actually finding people is hard. Finding good people is very hard. Finding good people without breaking the bank is almost impossible. I have around 360 people, almost 100 are developers and testers, we provide courses to novices, that is how we get junior developers and some become ok over time, few become really good. It is a very convenient position to bash employers for not having enough money to hire superstars and such, try it yourself, you may learn a few things about the real world.

Comment the church of BTC (Score -1) 144

Jehan Chu, founder of cryptocurrency-focused venture capital and trading firm Kenetic Capital, said the pullback in bitcoin could be a buying opportunity for new investors. "This short term correction is both natural and needed, and is a great entry point for long-term investors as we quickly reach $50k this quarter and $100k by year's end," Chu told CNBC.

based on what amazing information about the future does he base his advice? What is it that cryptocurrencies are or what they do can anyone set a price on a single BTC or even on the direction of trading and how exactly does he define investing or a buying opportunity? There is nothing that can actually indicate which way crypto is going except for past data of trades. Are there more trades, fewer trades, more people involved in this pyramid, fewer actual physical people? Everything around crypto is based on a belief.

BTC is god - believe in it. Blockchain is a church, you get admitted by buying BTC on 'pullback', where it went up from maybe 20000 to around maybe 45000 and then to around 30000, so it is a 'pullback'? How about this mania, when did some intelligent people start believing in magic and decided they will replace world's currencies with something that can transact 4 times in a second? Something that is completely intangible and has no savings value, as a metal for example? Something that burns electricity but pays no dividends?

Certainly BTC could be a million dollars tomorrow, it makes as much sense as it being 10 dollars or 100000 or 20000 or 10000000000000 or 0.

The interesting thing would be to add a system to allow BTC to be borrowed and shorted....

Comment Re:Fun with numbers (Score -1) 210

if you believe that everyone has the right to at least earn a living to eat and put a roof over their head, then you're going to need to move your goalposts.

- everyone has the *right* to *attempt* to earn a living, to *attempt* to eat and to put a roof over their heads. Normally people succeed at it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness.

Do you comprehend the word PURSUIT? That means that you have the right to ATTEMPT things in life and this means that people (government specifically) shouldn't be actively standing in your way, trying to prevent you and to stop you.

A right does not mean that you should be given anything, you have your right to pursue happiness but you don't have a right to happiness, to demand happiness from others, to demand anything from others actually.

Comment Re:Fun with numbers (Score -1) 210

My employees all make living wage. 220 of them cost me under 200K/mo, but they all make multiple of living wage given where they reside. Blizzard should consider fixing these problems properly, they need to evaluate the cost of living of their employees and adjust their hiring practices and locations accordingly.

Comment Yet another perpetual motion machine proposal... (Score -1) 53

So your proposal is that the companies have to 'automate everything', which is a weird and extremely labour intensive proposition (I run a company, I have over 200 people working now and we are constantly automating things and the more we automate the more people I hire. Of-course I hire people in the most cost conscious manner, so I have a global work force). So 'automate everything' is on the companies, but then 'tax companies' is on the companies as well. The companies are taxed already, by the way.

So your next step is 'Pay UBI'. OK. I am OK with 1 dollar of UBI for every man, woman and child a month. I am against 2 dollars or more of UBI for anybody. What is this UBI you are proposing, who is going to pay it out of what?

Now, lets say there are 10,000,000 companies (that's 10 million) and there are 300,000,000 people (300 million).

Your point I suppose is that all of those 10 million companies are automated and nobody has anything to do in them manually and then everybody gets the money that these companies are making via UBI.

The companies are making money by selling to people and then the money they get in revenues are taken away from the companies are given back to the people so that this cycle can continue.

What you are proposing is that it is possible to build and run a perpetual motion machine (known as the Perpetuum mobile), because there is no other way to describe it.

I can tell you this much: if I could automate everything in my company and not hire another person, I would do this already and this company would be my perpetual motion machine, making money without manual labour. Unfortunately it's a rare company (if any at all) that can do this total automation, that's first. Secondly the money that goes into automation, that's company's money (in my case that's my money), so when/if stuff gets automated here, that's because I am spending my money to do it and any productivity gain that I get from this type of automation goes back into reinvesting into the company or I use it for other purposes, but it definitely has nothing to do with anyone else that's not part of my company and it's not going to be feeding your UBI ideology.

Comment http (Score -1) 48

Curious that is on http and not on https, I think that's a problem (though I don't mind if the ssl certificate is a self signed one, as long as I can get a fingerprint to compare to).

Of-course the site is really really weird, a set of crummy stairs covered in ceramic tile? A yellow door with a peephole, a couple of porch lights, a black metal fence, the horrible looking window above the door, this taking half of the screen vertically, then a 'spring 2018' message with some weird wording about looking cool..., how Neeva will make you look cool... seriously? That yellow door makes something look cool? Just wow, our definitions of what is cool are so different. I know what it reminds me of, some mix of time cube and a Soma commercial

Comment Re:This really isn't a good thing (Score -1) 56

no, it's going to end the way I want it to end. The disolution of the nation states, abandonment of the federal rule over the individual, torching of the federal reserve bank, competition among cities for wealthy residents, for people who actually create the economy as opposed to those who only consume but don't create. Serious reduction in taxes and complete privatization of everything. Gold coming back as money. That's my vision and it's coming.

Comment Re:The sonic weapons are nonlethal force (Score -1) 257

What, you don't like to have crazy loud screeching noise blasted at you on the street? You don't like being shot at with rubber (for now) bullets? You don't like to have a couple of guys manhandling you, slapping your wrists into tight handcuffs, pushing you to the ground, stepping on you, holding you down, stepping on your neck?

Then you should go live to Somalia, see how you like it. The government is here to protect you. Didn't you know, with the taxes that you are forced to pay you buy all of this protection. It's for your own good, for your safety, so that the people will not murder you because once you don't have the good old cops 'protecting' you, the people will take your stuff and will murder you because you cannot take care of your own protection, so the society invented an oppressive system to protect you so that you would not be oppressed by the people and if you don't like it you can go to Somalia.

That's it, that's the idea. The cops are the government the government needs money to run so it steals your money so that it wouldn't be stolen by the people and so you wouldn't have to use your own money to set up your own protection from the people. You are not allowed legally to set up protection to protect yourself from the cops because then the government will bring in more cops to make sure that you are taken down so that you can be protected from the people.


My real thoughts are that we are at the point of total governmental and authoritarian degeneration, they need to be taken down and defunded. People will have to start taking care of themselves without governments and without nation states and without fake government paper money.

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