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Journal Journal: A question for all mah friendz0rs 7

(08:08:40 PM) DJVladn8r: Ok, so, these are several of the acts from P-Con, but not necessarily the stuff they played. I have all of it, but we all just heard it at Penguicon, so this is kind of "Vlad's favorite stuff by the artists who were at Penguicon."
(08:09:08 PM) DJVladn8r: Plus some Schaffer. :-D
(08:10:11 PM) WildCard9: that works, Vlad
(08:10:22 PM) WildCard9: you dont need to recreate the concerts
(08:10:39 PM) DJVladn8r: So, I have this cool idea for t

Comment Hey (Score 1) 11

You forgot me. I can't be bothered to look it up, but when someone DID off a spammer, (or was it suicide? I can't recall) I said the only lamentable thing was that they didn't take the spouse and crotch fruit with them.

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