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Comment Re:Are there $2.7B in sales to lose? (Score 1) 314

You made me curious.

They allege over $800 million in actual damages over the next 5 years. There are assorted other reputational damage claims, claims that the value of the companies have decreased, etc. SGO Corp is a VC firm, so it's not like GameStop where the valuation of the company can ride a roller coaster and not actually impact the core business. The value of their portfolio companies IS their core business.

Comment Re:You wouldn't care (Score 2) 314

The problem is that a significant proportion of the population believes that's exactly what did happen. A conspiracy involving hundreds if not thousands, or perhaps hundreds of little groups acting with no coordination for the same purpose. That nothing substantive showed up in court doesn't sway them. A cryptographically bulletproof trail from voter to winning candidate wouldn't sway them. Far too many people would just say blah, blah, blah, crypto, crypto, fraud.

Comment Re:20 years too late. (Score 1) 79

It's not about social media so much as requiring that entities respect the boundaries of their authority. What my kid does while in school is, at least to some degree, the business of the school district. What my child does outside school is frankly none of their concern at all. Schools seem to want very much to be the child police, and the child welfare agency, and the child nutrition agency, and the child medical screening agency. Knock it off, please. Just be the school. Do that, and do it well, and that's enough.

Comment Re:*COUGH*??? (Score 1) 272

When I was a kid playing with a science kit, I spilled a lit alcohol lamp on the carpet. I went into full panic mode and put it out, even though only 0.00001% or so of my house was on fire. This is kind of like that. If we can quickly put this out with 3,000 total casualties, it's not statistically speaking, a big deal. If we can't, like my alcohol lamp accident, it's not going to remain a tiny fire. It's going to grow and do some real damage. Right now, it's more important that the fire is growing than that it's not very big. Whether we should actually worry much about this depends on the trajectory as it develops.

Comment Re:No Sympathy Here (Score 1) 143

Then they have a case for breach of contract by the school and may have case for dissolution of contract.

It's not as easy as you make it sound.

Yes, I was a fool once too... we all have been there, anyone who has grown on a person level has been there. If you have never been then, then you are likely still an under developed man child.

It's possible to say that people should learn not to be taken advantage of AND that it's not acceptable to scam people. It's even a good idea to believe both of those things.

Comment Re:Unpopular opinion (Score 1) 143

School is mostly for signaling, and independent validation that you actually learned something. If you have a degree in Comp Sci, you're likely to be pretty competent in the things I need you to know. If you pinky-promise me that you watched videos that cover the exact same topics, you might be equally competent or better. Independent motivation is huge. You also might be lying and have watched none of it, or you might have "watched" it while gaming.

Degrees are too expensive, especially name brand ones, and I say that as someone who has two and doesn't regret it a bit. What I learned was definitely valuable. Should people be charged $30-50k/year for it? Absolutely not.

Comment Re:What's a for loop? (Score 1) 143

I taught myself when I was 7. Everything I wrote when I was 7 was garbage. This was the era when home computers stored stuff on audio tapes. Programs were short enough to get them in print in a bookstore and type them in. "They taught themselves in the 1980's with virtually no resources beyond what came packed-in with their home micro." Nah, false. We taught ourselves with books and magazines.

Most of the stuff I wrote in my 20s was garbage, too. "Programming" isn't just about writing text that makes a computer do things. It's about writing code that works reliably. That works even when inputs are deliberately garbage. That fails gracefully when load is higher than you think it can ever be (because it will be). That works years after you think nobody will use it (because they will). It's also writing code that when you write it and your cow-orker takes over, they don't scream "Dear $DIETY, what is this garbage?!" and start over. I saw that way too much with graduate student "programmers".

Any idiot can be a doctor, too. I can tell people what pills to take. I can give injections. I can perform surgery (and have). Your chances of surviving are probably better if you have a real doctor instead of me, but hey any idiot can do it, right?

Comment Re:Not true cuts (Score 1) 413

It would be wonderful if governments had to do zero-based budgets every ten years or so.

No, it wouldn't. 10 year budgets are a major pet peeve of mine. Presidents elected to 4 year terms have no credible claim to being able to control a 10 year budget. Neither do 2-year House representatives, or 6 year senators. 10 year budgets are just numbers games so you can claim you're going to cut spending by $X billion (after you're out of office, of course).

Comment Re:So much drama (Score 2) 418

Yes, exactly. This seems like people making up another reason to be offended. If I walk up to the counter with 1 headphone in and can't hear you or don't respond, yeah, that's rude. If I walk up and conduct my transaction exactly as I would have with zero headphones, why do you care? 20XX is both the age of don't judge, let people do their thing and simultaneously the age of people must do exactly as you think or they're entitled assholes.

Just back off and leave people alone, ok? There's important stuff in the world, and whether your customer has a headphone in ain't it.

Comment Re:Free App for a smart phone (Score 1) 220

Nope. Tablets aren't some new, unreliable invention. My kids have been using them for years and have no such problems. I'm not speaking hypothetically. As a parent who has put a number of kids through school and have kids who have owned technology from LeapPads (toys) to iPhone 11s, TI's graphing calculators can't go the way of the dodo soon enough.

Comment Re:Teachers (Score 2) 220

Not necessarily. When I was in school, the classes that covered learning how to create graphs was a few years before the classes that used graphing calculators. There comes a point where doing a thing over and over that a computer can do faster isn't educational, it's just tedious, and it can actually get in the way of what you're trying to teach.

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