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Comment Automated systems have no idea about context. (Score 5, Insightful) 83

Already automated systems frequently take down non-infringing works, which is, even if the system works perfectly, an inconvenience to resolve.

Upload filters simply can't work. There's no way to determine what is and isn't an infringing copy. It's technically possible to determine if something is copyrighted, I guess, if there's a large enough library. But is it fair use? Does the user have permission from the copyright holder? Does the party claiming copyright actually hold the copyright? Filters can't decide this.

Comment Isn't that the same for al currency? (Score 1) 253

What if I were to offer him gold? While it has a few uses, ultimately we bury most of it in vaults as a store of wealth. It's not doing anything or producing anything. Just storing value.

The same arguments seem to apply The only difference is precious metals have been here longer.

I don't want to defend bitcoin here too much, but the same arguments seem to encourage abandoning gold. And that might be a good idea but it would be a lot more controversial.

Comment Re:Old man yells at fruit... (Score 1) 170

Judges aren't expected to have technical understanding.

I realise this is a pretty obvious thing to your average Slashdot reader, but Apple's lawyers should have realised that it wasn't obvious to someone as out of touch as a judge, and should have demonstrated that there are a lot of options for anyone who wishes to purchase a third party USB-C charger.

Comment Re:Jesus dystopian Christ (Score 1) 75

It's a tricky one though. How much should a web browser protect the user? Warning about scams and phishing sites is one thing, but this is a level above that.

If a webpage redirects me to, should my browser not accept that redirect request and send me to the requested site rather than inferring where I want to go?

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 88

I don't think they're at the TulipMania stage. My impression is this is a small group of traders trading NFTs amongst themselves in order to generate hype.

I don't think people are fooled though. Cryptocurrency - whether legitimate or not - at least appears to have utility. Money is useful after all. NFTs really aren't. Most people don't really want "own" media, and those who do tend to have to be businesses who have to be able to make an actual business case for these purchases.

There might be something in it - there's a collectors market for art and memorabilia after all, and I'm not convinced there are that many people who spend that much money purely out of collector impulse - but it seems unlikely.

Comment Re:"cause I'm worried the US will be mean to me" (Score 1) 102

Have they been tried and convicted of terrorism? I don't think they were even charged. My understanding is they're "illegal combatants".

The constitution does go into detail about how accused criminals are dealt with. It's kind of weird that you are willing to completely ignore the rights of a group of people based on a mere accusation.As though you trust the government never to make accusations against people who are inconvenient to the government.

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