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Comment Re:Which is lazier and more entitled? (Score 0) 245

Racists are broadcasting their stupidity, hatefulness, and fear to the world. "College Student" here is almost certainly a stand in for "liberal" or "sjw" or "young people". These kinds of comments, made as an AC of course, show how out of touch some people are. And how evil. Keep broadcasting how vile you are - you are pushing more and more people away from your awful nonsense and your trash culture.

Comment Exciting! (Score 3, Insightful) 39

Efforts to get at the root cause of allergies are exciting, and pose the possibility of treatment with fewer or no side effects (an improvement), more effective treatment (and improvement) or even a cure (massive improvement). Yet most of the comments are inane observations about how "fragile" humans are(so should we just stop researching diseases and disorders then?), "now what?" (there will be more research and hopefully practical results!), or about the massive expense, or another tiresome variation of how "this isn't news or doesn't belong on slashdot". Slashdot's community used to be insightful and fun. Now you're more likely to see knowledgeable comments and wit over on reddit. Slashdot seems to have become a refuge for aging techies with a naive libertarian view of the world, an irrational hatred of "sjw's", and a general cynicism. What a waste of what was once a fun place to get news for nerds and read comments that ADDED to the news.

Comment Ironic (Score 2) 23

All that money on marketing and they are releasing a phone with no home button, a dedicated button for an assistant that works for about 10 apps, an "edgeless" screen that will make it easier to activate apps by mistake, and an irreplaceable battery that now has to power a larger screen. Oh yeah, and a camera that didn't get an upgrade despite being inferior to Pixel.

Can't wait to see what Pixel 2 looks like.

Comment Enough of this Naive Missing the Point (Score 4, Insightful) 316

  • "So, if you're a TV writer, why not negotiate a contract which takes into account the new reality of streaming and shorter seasons?" -> The strike is one means of doing so - but TV writers are not like star actors - the studios call the shots. Not everyone works in an industry where it's easy to negotiate if circumstances grow less favorable. And please shut up with the inevitable "why not change professions?". Not everyone wants to, and not everyone should have to. But even if they did - fine. How about all the people upset with their jobs change to yours? Oh what's that? The massive influx of competition is having a negative impact on your salary, work hours, and ability to get a job? Maybe YOU should change professions.
  • "with all the alternative content available, does anyone care...? Would the writer's strike have any serious impact on your life?" -> What is WRONG with you? There is a huge difference between the endless "reaction" videos on youtube and a film like "The Departed" or "Moana". If we want quality entertainment and art - then we have to ensure the people making it can make a living doing it. Which means we just need to be supportive when they say "the studios are making more money and we aren't, and now I need a part time job to support my family, this has to change". Instead of saying "well fine I guess I don't care about tv, movies, or whatever as long as I can watch another youtube star rant about a video game he hates" and sounding like an utter moron.
  • "What is this television you speak of? I watch Netflix". IDIOT. The article is about writers who work for Netflix - and they aren't making enough to make ends meet. You want Stranger Things season 2? The Defenders? Then maybe support the writers who make those shows possible.

What is wrong with Slashdot?!

Comment I work for a good company (Score 1) 548

  • It's normal to work these kind of hours.
  • Management knows what they are doing.
  • It's normal for the company to fire people frequently and without warning.
  • Working long hours then going home and working on open source my company uses for free is normal and a good idea.
  • My stock options are going to be worth a lot of money someday
  • I'll never have to worry about office politics
  • It's okay if the pay is lower and the hours are longer if my company has a great culture

Comment Companies Don't Care About Self Respect (Score 1) 62

They care about their bottom line. Might as well call this article "Facebook is copying a competitor and it isn't going to matter, but I still want you to read this article sooooo here's an attention grabbing title".

A more interesting article is this one Tech's Ruling Class Casts a Big Shadow. If Facebook had done this while Snapchat was still a new startup - would Snapchat see any of the success it currently does?

Comment Thanks Trump Supporters (Score 2, Insightful) 319

We now have a man under Russian influence appointing people everywhere he can who are dismantling our system of government, government agencies, constitutional rights, and basically anything under the "common good" from arts funding to health care access.

We're being dragged back to the "good old days" of robber barons and into a bold new era of corrupt foreign influence thanks to an alliance of racists, dominionists, terrified old people, nihilistic young people, and those who are so bitter and ignorant they would sacrifice anything at all to "piss off the left".

It's only going to get worse, especially as Trump continues to attack the foundations of everything that let's us fight back.

Comment Goodbye Samsung (Score 1) 106

Removing the headphone jack and the home button would be the last shitty straws. Unreliable phones, bloatware, nagware, and lagging Android releases = a bad experience. Not to mention a battery you can't remove - they are copying Apple's worst decisions. My next phone will not be a Samsung. Which is a shame.

Comment It's not the dongle, it's the specs (Score 1) 212

The new macbook 13 models have slower cpus than the last gen. The RAM maxes out at 16gb. The keyboard has been hobbled for a poorly thought out "touch" experience no one asked for. When I bought my macbook a couple of years ago it was a decent price for the specs, and performed well. Now that it's dead, I still want to wait a year to upgrade to see if Apple will actually respect their pro community of users, or if I need to bit the bullet and switch back to a windows/linux machine.

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