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Comment Re: Crank physics (Score 1) 243

But its not inferring anything. Its just saying "Somethings supposed to be there but we have no fucking idea what!"

That is most certainly inferring something. You are inferring that something is supposed to be there. It's a pretty well-grounded inference, but it's still an inference, not an observation.

Comment Re:Can't say I'm surprised (Score 1) 194

"Kim Davis was a pretty good example of this sort of thing happing on a scale that gained nationwide media attention. Being told you can't get married once it's the law of the land is something the news picks up on."

I can't come up with any evidence that Oregon's drug legalization was sabotaged. So, here, have this entirely unrelated incident in a completely different state!

Comment Re:Can't say I'm surprised (Score 2) 194

"I'm absolutely certain there are red counties even in Oregon where the local government is more than happy to see a drug decriminalization program fail so people will go back to voting "the right way" (as someone else in this discussion so aptly put it)."

I don't have any actual, y'know, documented examples of this happening or of the actions they took to sabotage the program, but I'm certain!

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