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Comment Re:So... (Score 4, Informative) 99

There is no algae that eats oil.

Maybe no algae, but plenty of bacteria do.

Anyway, don't discount the number of farmers in Canada who've done the same thing with manure, and screw up the lakes too. There was a farmer upstream of Pittock Dam, who used to do the same thing. Took the ministry of environment(MoE) in Ontario nearly 25 years to "get around" to finally fine the dumb bastard. Or as many people put it, "the dumb french bastard." Since dumping manure on frozen ground is very common in Quebec as well.

Comment Re:I would (Score 1) 123

But who do you throw in jail? The employees who are directly responsible for their actions, or their boss in his office who approved the work to be done, or the CEO at the top who did not care about the ecological danger?

Since there's an on-going investigation into it, and residents heard a loud explosion before hand, many people are thinking out there that this was the work of eco-terrorists. This wouldn't be the first time either, my sister lives in sour gas alley in Alberta. Back 10 years ago, there was a guy going around trying to blow up sour gas wells(H2S). For those that haven't ever worked in the oil industry, sour gas is nasty stuff. If it floods a low level area, you're usually dead before you know it hits you.

Comment Re:Funny money (Score 2) 409

Think about it this way. Nuclear supports the status quo - centralized production via corporations. Solar and wind kill the cash cow.

Hardly, and they sure won't kill the "status quo" when FiT programs are paying $0.40-0.85/KwH for electricity from those sources. Welcome to Ontario, which followed Greece and we are now screaming towards the most expensive electricity in North America thanks to "green power." Even though nearly 70% of our electricity is generated by nuclear, less than 2% is wind or solar.

Oh and I'm sure someone will cry, but you don't have a nuclear generating station near you! Right, I've got one of the largest in the world 60 miles from where I'm sitting now.

Comment Re:Ah, so that's why! (Score 1) 31

Around where I live, this will be the first summer in 10-15 years where it hasn't been overcast, raining, or foggy. Gotta love the unpredictable weather of the great lakes. It's pretty much the same thing with seeing aurora's, people down as far south as Atlanta will see it, but everyone in the great lakes area you can bet will have overcast skies with a chance of thunderstorms, snow, or it simply being overcast.

Comment Re:details (Score -1, Offtopic) 110

Don't worry. You can always go with nvidia, and get instant overheating because of a fan driver bug. Massive TDR problems(it only exists to this day), because they lowered the voltage via drivers in order to stop the gpu from overheating, and get 280mb driver suites as well, which of course can break between releases and cause commonly used applications to enter into crash city.

Comment Re:So start organizing (Score 3, Interesting) 108

Back oh 10-15 years ago, I was part of a group that formed a union at a shop I was working at. We built industrial control panels for heavy machinery, lots of electronics and stuff in them, PLC's, relays and so on. If you ever see a small grey square box on the underside of a truck trailer, we built them too. They're used for shifting the rear wheels. Anyway, while you're right that you get the bureaucracy, rules and obligations. In some cases, the employer is such an ass, that it's worth those headaches vs the complaints, threats, and attempts to push people into non-paid OT.

Some companies are willing to compromise, some businesses too. Some of them just want to see the world burn around them.

Comment Re:Uh...try again (Score 2) 116

Except fidonet nodes could talk to each other. I ran a node for only mail relay in Southern Ontario from 92-96(from the time I was in middle school to the time I was nearly finished high school), because a bunch of BBS's in the area were choking the only provider at the time for mail requests. By the time late '96 had come around most people had moved to ISP's and BBS's around here were dying. Oh BRE, FRE, and LORD how I do miss you at times.

Comment Re:Billions? (Score 1) 402

If Hamas were funded with billions,

Go look up the net worth of Arafat, and the other terrorist leaders. You'll quickly figure out where those billions of dollars go very quickly. And that's before they spend them on rockets from Iran...oh wait, that's probably a lie in your book right? Useful tip: Those cost upwards of 20k each, and they had 4k of them.

Comment Re:Glad to Know (Score -1, Flamebait) 207

Maybe the movie reveals how someone can sneak across the border without getting caught. That's a DHS concern.

That's easy. Be from anywhere south of the US border, mexician, chinese, brazillian, doesn't matter. Say you're being oppressed/etc, and you're wanting amnesty. Oh double points if you belong to a gang like MS13. Then it's the easy life while the current administration turns their back to the issue, and claims anyone who's standing up against the border being over run is a racist.

Comment Re:What it take? Stick in heart? (Score 2) 336

Considering the number of titles that use DX11 are very few, that's kinda moot. And there are ways to get DX10 to run under XP. And really, if you haven't given 8 a try you should. It runs anywhere between 250-500mb lighter in memory overhead, and isn't nearly so bad as XP or 7 was in terms of game compatibility. Even older titles like Klingon Academy work under 8, where they wouldn't work for me under XP or 7.

Comment Re:so... (Score 1) 122

We started doing that here in Canada, and then companies started turning off the pipes to drive up the price. So yeah, lot of places are now looking at building coal power plants again. Hell there was a 40% increase in the price of NG in many parts of the country this year, because it was unusually cold and in turn burning through all the stocked gas.

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