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Comment Re:Seen as 'insulting' and "menaces" (Score 1) 104

Never underestimate the "menace" that is slashdot beta. And it's an insult to those who've been reading since the 90s. slashdot beta would be banned un Turkey, know that.

Fuck me, I never believed I'd just be a contributor of noise and nothing more to a story, what have DICE done to me?

However, I think it's important - continuing to post the quantity I normally would gives us a way of measuring the activity drop during the slashdot boycott on 10th-17th. Remember - delete all your cookies, and disable 3rd party cookies too, before you shutdown on the end of the 9th, so in case you accidentally reload favourite tabs. And disable the RSS feed too, so you're not tempted to give them page views.

Comment Re:Pfft (Score 1) 250

When 50% of the cost of the centre was for its power supply and its cooling. And that doesn't take into account actually running the things. Look at TPC benchmark declarations, and the costs of the systems, there's a breakdown of the cost - power is the single biggest thing. Processors, RAM, storage, interconnects, etc. don't come close.

Comment Re:FUCK BETA (Score 2) 222

Submit a story about boycotting beta, so that we all know when it should be done. Seriously. People who can see the firehose would bubble it up towards selection. (Unless, like me, they can't see the firehose, or do anything if they can see it.)

At the moment, with no javascript, and only select cookies, I'm managing to stay classic, but I'm prepared to boycott /. to make a stand.

Can we resurrect Bruce Perens' Technocrat as a home for the old-school nerds?

Comment Re:I am reminded of pigs and engineers here (Score 1) 593

I'm not sure one even needs a fossil record of so-called speciation when ring species not only show that speciation does occur, but also show that the concept of species and speciation isn't one that you should get particularly hung up upon, as it's a very fuzzy-edged concept.

I remember when "here's incontravertable proof that organisms evolve traits/organs/capabilities specific to their environment" became no longer an example of "evolution" to the creationidiots; they retreated, regrouped, and then demanded "now show me one *species* turning into another *species*" as proof. Quite why we didn't reply "sure - but only after you show me this thing you call 'god', I don't know".

There's even less reason to get hung up about in-between-steps between species when the bizarre unbelievable traits of midpoints in the fossil record have been spotted on creatures alive today. E.g. a fish that prefers being on dry land to being in water. Everything that was "unbelievable" about the past probably exists somewhere today.

Comment Re:BMI (Score 1) 225

Do you have standards/laws regarding "weights and measurements"?
Do you have laws that permit selling different amounts of matter to people in different locations, yet claiming the same transaction has occured? What are the permitted units those "weights" may be measured/presented in? Does the w/w concentration of your drug suddently become a NaN when you take it into outer space?

You need to open your eyes more - weight meaning mass is *everywhere*. That's mostly because it always has beem and there's never been any reason for it to go away.

Comment Re:Dunno... (Score 1) 545

After living here for about a week I pointed out to my g/f that every single tram driver I noticed was female. Nearly 4 years later, I've still not seen a single male. I don't believe I've seen any other sector with so great an imbalance. I have no experience of kindergarten teachers, but I know the little-people in their high-viz walk past my window in pairs a couple of times a week, and occasionally one of the normal-sized people accompanying them will be male. I also have no experience of cosmetic counters save to hold my breath before enterring the department store, and to run as quickly as possible to the staircases at the back, with highly focussed tunnel vision.

Comment Re:BMI (Score 1) 225

> Weight and mass are patently *not* the same thing. In zero g, you have no weight

Nonsense. Read my links. In space, you weigh 80kg, just like you do on earth. Weight and mass have meant the same thing for far longer than any modern distinction, and nowadays the vast majority still do not draw that distinction. Weight means mass. Sorry, but it does. No matter what number of quotes using weight to mean force can counter an argument that weight means mass. The fact that you think otherwise implies that you think that the existence of black sheep denies the existence of white sheep, as it's precisely the same illogic.

Comment Re:BMI (Score 3, Interesting) 225

No. BMI is designed for naive people two hundred years ago who just want a number, no matter how meaningless it is.

Weight does not and should not scale with the square of height unless you imagine that taller people are taller and wider, but not thicker. It's not a cubic relation either in reality, but there would have been more logic supporting that than square, even if it's a no better fit to common-sense results wise.

Everything to do with exponent-2 BMI should just be totally ignored. It's total bullshit. It says no more, and plenty less, than a whole range of other measures that aren't bullshit. It should have been thrown into the toxic waste bin of stupid medical superstitions that's of no use to anyone decades ago.

We do some work in the field, in governmental contexts. We've come up with phrase "policy-based evidence-making" for such bogostats.

What's your BMI using a 2.5 exponent, as proposed here?
(And no, sorry, I'm not volunteering mine on either scale, given where on the bell-curve I sit. (yes, the flat bit.))

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