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Comment Re:Secure? Wordpress? (Score 1) 270

You beat me to it. You can't write security software and have a Wordpress based website. It's just insane. My trust level went from 70% to 0% as soon as I noticed Wordpress in the footer.
Go use Nikola (or similar). You can easily maintain the website publicly within a Git repo!

Comment Why a full PC? (Score 1) 238

Why not get just a router (I've been contemplating a Netgear WNDR-4300) and load it with OpenWRT or even DD-WRT?

If OP wanted to do video transcoding/HTPC duties I could see the use for a full PC but otherwise it is just a nuisence compared to a small, efficient, embedded system.

The main advantage of OpenWRT over $OTHER is it's packaging system and ability to install updates without reflashing. It has good documentation and a great community too.

Comment Re:Lie (Score 2) 170

It's not rewriting parted. Parted can't handle all modern storage technologies as it only deals with partitions which are only one part (pun intended) of the picture. In the [your favourite distro here] installer the UI calls out a *suite* of tools just like Blivet-GUI does. Previously in Fedora this was all piled into Anaconda - but now it is split out into this "Blivet-GUI" thing.

If you bothered to read the articles or browse the source you'd know that it depended on Blivet and subprocess calls to normal system utilities. Blivet has been around for at least two years already and has matured through its use in Anaconda. Anaconda has been around for many years and has always (AFAIK) depended on Python. Nearly every Linux distro (and other Unixes, OSX and even Haiku) come with Python by default. Most installation environments can use whatever they please without impacting the resulting system so even if you didn't want to install Python (or the more concerning GTK, IMO) you don't have to. This person was not engaging in NIH - they were simply writing a new GUI to an existing tool to allow for better integration, easier modification and fewer dependencies... Shock horror! OMG WHAT AN IDIOT RITE???

This mindless Red Hat bashing has really gone too far.

Comment Re:First impressions (Score 2) 220

It's been as fast a Chrome for years. It's only Google fanbois on Slashdot who really say otherwise... Though I get the impression that maybe it is slightly different under Windows so maybe that's why some think it's slow. Most of the badness was quickly eliminated after FF4, and the UI changes are really just a storm in a teacup (they haven't changed the way I use FF at all).

Comment Refurbished is great! (Score 2) 92

When you have SMB type customers then refurbished hardware is great value. They're usually not willing to fork out for a new server. When there is refurbished hardware for a fraction of the price -- still new enough to be reasonably efficient and to add a HP Care Pack or whatever -- why not? Having hardware that is up to scratch is both good for you and good for your customer. Out of dozens of customers of this nature we've never been bitten (and yes, the customer knows the server is refurb + Care Pack).

It's really great when you get a strong business relationship going with your local refurb business. Getting the pick of the litter really gets your geek juices flowing!

We did have a reasonably strong virtualization setup too, and that helps as the article suggests.

The laptop I am typing this on right now is a refurb model that I got for an excellent price a year and a half ago. It's probably the best laptop I've ever had including brand new ones.

Comment Researchers mostly aren't good lecturers (Score 3, Interesting) 82

Kahn Academy was a God-send for me. I didn't even have a high-school level of maths before I managed to find my way into an Engineering degree. I learned all of High-school maths and a lot of university level maths in the space of a few months thanks almost totally to the excellent instruction available through Kahn Academy.

Many universities make researchers/professors teach. Some of them do an excellent job because they give a damn, or are passionate about sharing (as opposed to selfish and arrogant which many scientists are). Many of these lecturers are in academia because that's what they personally are good at - and so they don't understand how to teach people who aren't as naturally suited to the subject they are teaching as they were. They don't know what *normal* people find difficult or else they assume they know but completely miss the mark.

Nearly every single mathematical person I have met utterly fails at communication, as I have only found two: a really gifted guy who breezed through university maths and is currently working on his PhD and Salman Kahn of Kahn Academy who is the best communicator of mathematical concepts I have ever found - hands down. He seems to know what normal people find hard and even pre-emptively answers your questions right as they pop into your head.

This only reinforces how outdated the model of university education is and how poor value the university education itself generally is. Normal people can find higher quality resources online and consume them quickly and efficiently and apply them the next day. Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars and 2+ years getting a fairly poor imitation of a "T-shaped" education I think the real solution is to set up strong learning resources (online and meatspace workshops) and allow people to cheaply sit certification tests (and portfolio checks) on university-level subjects. People can build their core education as narrow and tight as needed and expand the "arms" of their education out as far as needed in a dynamic fashion which suits this ever-changing world. Hey, if a person completes a whole degree in this fashion they can sell good-ole' degree certificates too!

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