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Comment Re:No limits (Score 1) 717

Very true, should have seen that one coming ^^ but When I travel to my parents place who live close to the german borders I always take their highway along the dutch borders since there are no limits there. So actually I get to enjoy the no speed limits quite often.


Submission + - Biggest Black Hole Could Swallow Our Solar System ( 3

sciencehabit writes: Even among cosmic heavyweights, the black hole in the core of galaxy M87 stands out. New observations reveal that the object weighs in at a whopping 6.6 billion suns, making it more than 2000 times larger than the black hole at the center of the Milky way and the most massive black hole for which a precise mass has ever been measured. The black hole's event horizon—the edge from within nothing can escape, not even light—is four times as large as the orbit of Neptune, the outermost planet in our solar system. That means it could swallow our solar system in a single gulp.

Submission + - Deep Galaxy Surveys and Gravitational Lensing

lee1 writes: "Astronomers who survey galaxies in the distant universe are getting some
unexpected help, and interference, from gravity. Analysis of images
from the Hubble Ultra Deep Field survey, a collection of the furthest
images of the universe ever taken, revealed a mystery: many of the
faraway galaxies they observed appeared to be located near the line of
sight to galaxies in the foreground. Through a statistical analysis,
they determined that strong gravitational lensing is the most likely
explanation. This arises from the bending of light in a gravitational
field, first predicted by Newton and, more accurately, by Einstein’s
general theory of relativity. It turns out that as many as 20 percent
of the most distant galaxies currently detected appear brighter than
they actually are, due to the lensing effect. In fact, many galaxies in
the remote universe will only be visible to us because of the bending of
their light by the gravitational fields of other galaxies."
United States

Submission + - Patriot Act Up For Renewal, Nobody Notices

Ponca City, We Love You writes: "When the Patriot Act was first signed in 2001, it was billed as a temporary measure required because of the extreme circumstances created by the terrorist threat. The fear from its opponents was that executive power, once given, is seldom relinquished. Now the Examiner reports that on January 5th, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) introduced a bill to add yet another year to the soon to be expiring Patriot Act extending it until February, 2012 with passage likely to happen with little debate or contention. If passed, this would be the second time the Obama administration has punted on campaign promises to roll back excessive surveillance measures allowed under the act passed in the wake of 9/11. Last years extension passed under the heading of the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act. "Given the very limited number of days Congress has in session before the current deadline, and the fact that the bill’s Republican sponsor is only seeking another year, I think it's safe to read this as signaling an agreement across the aisle to put the issue off yet again," writes Julian Sanchez."

Comment Warp drive.. fuck the rest. (Score 1) 633

I mean without warpdrive It will take hundreds of thousands of years to colonize the galaxy let alone the universe; with warpdrive we could even maybe colonize at least a part of our local cluster. Not going to happen with speed of light limits.
Other options are fancy bullshit with a sparkling candles sticked in it.
Communication at warp speed I couldn't even think of the tremendous amounts of positive effect it would have in scientific research and social connectivity. I mean if one would build a particle accelerator at the size of the orbit of Mars warp speed communications would be a "very nice to have" dont ask me why but I have a hunch or two.

I would love to hear from someone who could convince me otherwise.

Comment Reflection, digital infrastructure impovershment. (Score 1) 611

I think the people who are saying that 3mbit or 512k upload sufices are right when it really is enough to fulfill their needs. But it might also be a reflection of the digital infrastructure impoverishment thats going on in the US. I mean I live in the rural nothern parts of the Netherlands my neighbor is living 200 meters next to me, our village counts 400 people still we have a 60mbit internet connection, even here.

A small dirtroad might be enough for a 3 doors hatchback but not for a massive 60-ton truck. Internet usage will very likely increase not decrease the next century meaning that in the time the world is getting prepped up for even increasing bandwith demanding constructions the US stays behind.

What if a new and very succesfull digital invention knocks on the door 2 years from now demanding at least a 10 mbit connection. The other higly technological countries will have a easy time incorporating this new technology whereas the US will be facing a very, very costly effort to clear the backlog.

Comment Re:Artificial Brains? (Score 1) 320

Well what if you "die" every night.. Oké thats sounds a little bit dramatic but everytime you go asleep your brains kind of reboots especialy when in deep sleep there is little brain activity. So concious basicly stops every night. No difference as when you just put you brain somewhere else and "wake" up as yourself.

Comment Re:When it's possible, it's going to happen. (Score 1) 554

Thats very true, Humans have terrible memory and judgement over time. Countless tests have been done to prove this. Like: "Accept this 20 dollar now or 22 dollar tommorow" over 80% chose now instead of tommorow then if they asked people "accept this 20 dollar in one month or 21 dollar in one month and one day" the majority chose the day after one month. Economists were baffeled by this unrationalistic behavior.. but this is just how humans operate. It's too bad that if extreme Longevity will be possible just a dose of natural evolution to counter this problem will probably be to slow. Concerning our babaristic behavior and nuclear arms.

Comment When it's possible, it's going to happen. (Score 2, Insightful) 554

There are a lot off people with the wealth, means and connections to make it happen when it's possible. So wether it should or not is not really the question it's more how the world is going to be when people will be able to live maybe 500 years or more. Sure the future is very hard to predict but just imagine people could live longer. Maybe they would actually start to learn to think not only of the short term pleasures and goals but as they have more years to live will actually take more care of the environment. Living much longer means a way better view on environmental impacts of short term actions and you have to. You have to live in your own mess a lot longer. Also the wish to have childeren now decreases with live expectancy just imagine people living 500+ years having kids only after 100 years? Perfect! Enough time to plan living space, housing, environmental issue's etc. Sure there are negative impacts aswell but when this anti aging pill comes on the market I'll take it.

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