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Comment Re:Desperation and bloodlust (Score 1) 97

(The thing about conscious vs conscience is a pet peeve of mine, because so many people use it as you did while firmly believing that it is acceptable as a noun, and such usage always grates on me.)

You're right about the bloodthirsty dog pack phenomenon, but I'm not convinced that the Seinfeld/Gates foray achieved anything to counter it. To my view, it simply reinforced the notion of Microsoft being out of touch with popular taste and sensibility, and further evidence that they are wildly trying to do something without a solid understanding of what they're trying to do or how to properly do it (q.v. historical Windows, Zune, etc.)


Comment Re:The Gates/Seinfeld thing. . . (Score 1) 97

Now, act III involves the placement of the upcoming Windows 7 in the public conscious, which, surprise, surprise, is getting lots of positive response and sympathy, general good-will and a collective hope that it won't suck.

1. "conscious" is an adjective. Perhaps you mean "conscience".

2. I do not see a logical connection between "acts I and II" and "act III". My understanding is that Windows Vista is widely perceived as garbage, and simply therefore, people bent on Windows will be optimistic about its successor.


Comment Re:Not so fast. (Score 3, Insightful) 120

I think you are proving the parent's point.


we are already at the point where it's the LENS that's the limiting factor for picture quality


Not at all - 22mpix is about film resolution [...] Long way to go before that's on my phone.

The lens on your phone is a piece of shit; a better lens will make your phone's 1 megapixel picture look better than would a 22 megapixel sensor.


Comment Re:Frame rate (Score 1) 603

Right, that's because there's a shutter which is necessarily forced to cut off the light 48 times per second. On a LCD or plasma panel though, there is no blanking. Or are you telling me that this 120Hz display is going black all the time?


Comment Re:Frame rate (Score 1) 603

It's not any different, but good luck trying to buy a TV that can display at 24Hz. Instead, manufacturers build mostly TVs that have only one display rate. With that restriction, a 120Hz display rate makes sense for covering 24fps, 30fps, and 60fps material.

Then what about 23.98, 29.97, 59.94?

HD specifies all of the above frame rates (integer and non) as viable. Indeed, most programming in North America will be 59.94i or 23.98p, but 30.00 and so on are valid as well.


Comment Re:Frame rate (Score 1) 603

No, this is how it works on a progressive display. (Interlaced pulldown gets even uglier, since the 3rd frame in the set is a hybrid of two of the original film frames.)

Sorry, I think I must be misunderstanding what you're trying to say then. I thought we were talking about "smoothing" an interlaced source signal (be it TV or a movie from a DVD or whatnot, or even 1080i HD) into a 120Hz progressive display.

If you are trying to fit 24 frames into a 60Hz signal, how would you do it?

2:3 pulldown.


Comment Re:Frame rate (Score 1) 603

On a normal 60Hz set, every frame alternates between being repeated 2 times or 3 times (2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3) in order to sync up with the 60Hz refresh rate (it's called 3:2 pulldown)

Minor nitpick - you mean to say interlaced fields (the progressive frame is split into two fields), rather than frames.

With displays that have a 120Hz refresh rate, this pulldown is eliminated be repeating every frame 5 times (5*24=120). This gives a more natural and fluid appearance.

Even if this were true, I don't understand how it would be an improvement over simply reversing the pulldown and displaying 24 progressive fps rather than 120. After all, if you redraw the same frame once or a hundred times over the same interval on a progressive display, the result is exactly the same.

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