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Comment Re:How detached from reality is astrophysics? (Score 4, Insightful) 52

They reason they're no longer trusted is because they make big announcements of amazing results and then... later have to admit that they were wrong. Or, worse, they don't admit they're wrong, and we have to wait for someone else to retry the experiment and find that out for themselves.

What you're describing as the "reason they're no longer trusted" is called the scientific method: science is trustworthy precisely because when people are wrong, they admit it. Either that, somebody else proves them wrong.

Do you expect this shit to sprout from the head of Zeus or something?

Comment December 22 (Score 4, Interesting) 52

The funny thing is that there is a meeting in Italy this week to discuss the Planck polarization result. Except that the Planck team doesn't have the result ready yet, for reasons they are not explaining. To make matters worse, there is no internet access at the venue, so the rest of the world is hearing about it primarily through Twitter feeds. The Planck team should be seriously embarrassed to cock up a major announcement as badly as they have.

Regardles, Planck is releasing its polarization measurements in three weeks, on December 22. Get back to us then.

Comment Re:How detached from reality is astrophysics? (Score 4, Insightful) 52

Whenever I read articles about astrophysics, it always sounds very detached from reality. This work usually ends up making big assumptions based on radio waves that were supposedly detected in some way. We aren't talking about ones that are visible to humans, either, like light from stars. Then there's often talk about how it's the "remnants of the Big Bang" or something vague like that. And then they start throwing around numbers that we couldn't possibly be sure that we're measuring correctly. Even after reading into this subject in depth, and even taking college courses on it back in the day, it's still almost a religion in many ways.

That's right. All those fancy-pants "scientists" are actually idiots and frauds. Nothing they say can be trusted.

Comment Re:Flawed Premise (Score 1) 454

Your implied premise couldn't be more wrong. There is no link between autonomously driving cars and car sharing. Autonomous driving is just another feature a new car will have. Like cruise control and self parking. These features contributed nothing to peoples desire to give up car ownership. Autonomous driving will not either.

The overhead we accept because we have to store, maintain, and insure our own vehicles is enormous. Likewise with parking them at our destination. Imagine an Uber-like app which allows you to request a car, which comes to your doorstep, takes you where you want to go, and then leaves. No parking fees, no speeding tickets, no insurance costs. Why would anybody want to own a car if they don't have to?

Comment Re: Not resigning from Debian (Score 3, Insightful) 550

Death wishes are never cool.

But what do you think people should do instead of escalate?

Maybe accept that the larger group of people you're a part of has come to a decision you disagree with, and move on? People who can't let go of their personal hobby horse can be utterly poisonous to an organization, no matter how righteous they view their cause to be.

Comment Re:marketing (Score 4, Insightful) 101

no you tape them refusing to adhere to the encryption and if the company suffers a breach or IP is stolen digitally then you pull out that recording and CYOA

I would suggest that clandestinely taping your boss being an idiot is a pretty good way to find yourself out of a job.

How about, oh, I dunno, following up such conversations with a friendly, informative email summarizing the discussion and your recommendations, so there's a paper trail?

Comment Really? (Score 2) 112

the company just doesn't understand what makes a device good or bad.

OK, I definitely don't understand the thinking behind the Fire phone, but the Kindle Touch is an absolutely fantastic device. And popular enough to dominate its market as well.

So what the hell is this guy talking about?

Comment Re:Everest (Score 1) 594

Yes it's stupid.... but its no more stupid than all the stupid idiots who climb everest at significant expense.... a significant number of which never come back.

I think the Everest comparison is specious. Yes, climbing Everest is a recreational thrill for rich people. But at least it involves significant personal commitment and sacrifice. The rich person still has to climb the mountain. Space tourism is an amusement park ride: pay your cash, get strapped in, whee! It's the difference between a log ride at an amusement park and paddling your own kayak through class V rapids.

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