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Comment Re:Anything that empowers the users is a plus (Score 1) 93

I think we need to spend more time looking at it to see if it is really acceptable.

Narrator: It wasn't.

Google wants to replace cookies because they can be disabled by the end user. Google is terrified that a large portion of rubes will discover the "Disable third-party cookies" browser option. If that happens, their precious stream of user data dries up and the ad market collapses.

Comment They created a glut (Score 1) 109

There is simply too much content and programming being produced. The MBAs have everyone convinced that audience growth just happens, don't worry about cutting the same pie into more and more slices.

The media landscape is different now than 20 years ago. Now, at least 90% of the population will consider anything to be noise.

Media executives have focus-grouped, personalized, and targeted their way into minimal audience for a plethora of mediocre productions rather than waiting for a few quality programs to gain big followings.

Comment Not entirely unexpected (Score 1) 89

Apple has built a brand cult around their products, vertically integrated at every opportunity. This is just another example of adherents rotely clamoring for some widget bearing the fruit logo and suddenly ignoring options that lack the identity fetish. The same kind of microfiber cloth can be found for $5 or less on a display rack near the checkout counter at Walgreens, among all the other generic phone accessories.

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