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Comment Re:90% ? (Score 1) 423

Idiot, it was in the context of "conversion to CO2 neutral technologies". The CO2 -> fuel conversion starts with somewhat CO2 neutral technologies. The other industries then don't have to convert.

All this even while ignoring the other factors that can cause a non-necessity of conversion to CO2 neutral technologies.

Comment Re:There is another response for people like this (Score 1) 622

Celebrities' fault is surely involved, no? Celebrities can't do anything about other "gasbags" , but if they truly wanted less people to find the pictures, and people to enjoy the pictures less if they did find the photos, they would not have complained like this. Calling it "sex crime" must have given an enormous arousal to the perpetrators.

Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 1) 622

How does the fact that she is complaining about it make it a stupid risk?

The fact that she is complaining about it DOES NOT make it a stupid risk. Because :
1. her complaining happened AFTER she took the risk
2. the risk was already stupid when she took it, from our point of view
3. risk was stupid from our point of view because to us the rewards don't seem worth the risk
4. it is entirely possible that the risk was worth the reward from her point of view

And so why can't Lawrence be mad that someone hacked her iCloud account and leaked obviously private photos of her to the public?

She can be. But it is counter-productive because :
1. The thieves will enjoy the photos all the more.
2. Takes her own (and of others who listen to her) attention away from avoiding such incidents in future
3. It will not make it stop happening.

IFF she took the risk knowingly, she reasonably cannot be mad that someone hacked because reasonable people who take risks don't blame others when they get unlucky. E.g.
1. bungee jumpers getting hurt
2. getting extra complications during heart surgery
3. people ordering new kind of exotic food in restaurants and finding it not to taste

If you're not prepared to tell me that I'm stupid for riding my bike, then why are you so quick to say that Lawrence is stupid for sexting with her boyfriend?

Riding a bike where I live is very safe - I do it 8 miles everyday and I don't tell myself that I am stupid. If someone does it where it is unsafe, I would tell everyone that he stupid for riding his bike.

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