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Comment Keystone XL (Score 1) 247

This is the exact reason for the Keystone XL pipeline terminating at Houston. It was never for supplying the US domestic market; it is solely for the export of crude (or meta-crude) on the more lucrative international market, resulting in not one penny lower gas prices for consumers.

This is why it's so hard to have respect for the extremist Right supporters: slavishly voting against their own interests in the childish fantasy that by letting billionaires become trillionaires, they themselves - by some inexplicable miracle - will become millionaires instead of the real downward spiral into poverty.

Mt. Gox Shuts Down: Collapse Should Come As No Surprise 232

New submitter Dan541 writes in with word that Mt. Gox has halted all operations indefinitely. A statement from the CEO: "As there is a lot of speculation regarding MtGox and its future, I would like to use this opportunity to reassure everyone that I am still in Japan, and working very hard with the support of different parties to find a solution to our recent issues. ... In light of recent news reports and the potential repercussions on MtGox's operations and the market, a decision was taken to close all transactions for the time being in order to protect the site and our users. We will be closely monitoring the situation and will react accordingly." MrBingoBoingo writes that we should not be surprised Mt. Gox appears to have failed "The recent closure of the famous Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has grabbed a lot of media attention lately, but people involved heavily in bitcoin have been raising alarms about business practices at Mt. Gox for quite some time now. With the Mt. Gox failure being Bitcoin's biggest since the collapse of the ponzi run by Trendon Shavers, also known as Pirateat40, it might be time to revisit the idea of counterparty risk in the world of irreversible cryptocurrency."
Internet Explorer

IE Vulnerability Exposing Banking Logins, Spreading Rapidly 93

jfruh writes "A vulnerability in Internet Explorer 9 and 10 that allows attackers to target banking login info, first reported on February 13, is being exploited in the wild, and attacks are spreading rapidly. Sites compromised by the malware run the gamut from U.S. Veterans of Foreign Wars site, to a site frequented by French military contractors, to a Japanese dating site. Microsoft has released a 'fix-it tool' but not a regular patch."

Comment Sorry, Johnny (Score 1) 324

The author of this article really doesn't know what he's talking about.

Pardon me, but I'm going to go with the man who is well-known for his integrity, intellect, guts to write under his own real name, Johnny.

Even if you did actually serve, I'm still not convinced to defer to you over the right-honorable Mister Schneier.

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