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Comment Re:artists, get over it! (Score 1) 97

3) Art and culture existed since cave paintings. No jobs or copyrights existed. There is zero reason it must exist in a way somebody could subsist upon it. It won't stop. Sure, we will have less bland manufactured pop...

Sure, and no "Dark side of the moon", and no Beatles.

The world envisioned by parasites sucks.

Comment Oracle-friendly site(s) (Score 2) 174

14 hours ago, itnews.com.au runs a story (promptly picked up by /.) about how the social networks are staying with MySQL. In the article, it is suggested that the switch to MariaDB by some Linux distros is a "political move", and that Google's switch might be a retaliation against an unrelated lawsuit from Oracle. Also, it's mentioned (twice, with the same wording) that the Mozilla foundation is "upgrading from MariaDB to MySQL 5.6" (emphasis added).

7 hours ago, itnews.com.au runs a story (promptly picked up by /.) about how Oracle's 12C database will be 100x faster, despite the fact that we only have Oracle's CEO word for it.

Now that's what I call an Oracle-friendly site (or two?)

Comment Re:Procmail is a fine tool -- but the wrong tool (Score 0) 190

should block inbound port 25 traffic from everywhere on the planet that you don't need email from. In other words; the fact that someone in country X wants to email you is unimportant unless you actually wish to receive mail from them.

Distributed botnets make that solution ineffective.

Comment Re:bogofilter (Score 1) 190


Seconded. Procmail + bogofilter + spam.mbox = no problem.
I keep - and periodically review - a "spam" mbox for the rare false positive.

I haven't timed it to see how well its been doing in the 6 years I've had it though.

It's written in C, so it's very likely much faster and leaner than Spamassassin.

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