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Comment Re:Netflix Time Now? (Score 1) 252

There hasn't been any confirmation that it will be a "reboot", even though the word keeps getting used. Doing a reboot where everything that has already been done is completely ignored and the same story is told a different way seems to me to not be the kind of thing that JMS would do, especially since I can't imagine trying to tell the entire story of the series in one movie, or even a few movies. I would think it's more likely to be an entirely different story set in the same universe, similar to Crusade and Legend of the Rangers.

Comment Re:Snake Oil (Score 1) 114

Based on the ads that I see, either I've done a really good job of not giving Facebook much information about myself, or Facebook's data mining is really, really bad. Every once in a while I'll see an ad for someplace like Newegg, but most of the ads I see aren't even remotely interesting to me.

Comment Re:Start from scratch (Score 2) 119

If they can be that wrong about something so fundamental, then how can they possibly claim to understand things or be right now?

It's not like they discovered that Andromeda is actually a 20-foot wide disco ball with funhouse mirrors making it look bigger than it really is. When you're talking about a branch of science that typically works in orders of magnitude, a factor of 2 is a pretty minor change.

Comment Re:Still no jurisdiction (Score 1) 38

So here's the first thing I thought of after reading the summary. The quotes in the summary make it sound like a case of false advertising, deceptive practices, and/or fraud. While the FCC might not have the authority to do anything about the problem, what about the FTC? Can the FTC slap them around more than the FCC can?

Comment Re:So the idea is that.... (Score 1) 143

If people are illegally sharing stuff, then get 4 pieces of paper, print stuff with ink, and mail it to them? Why bother wasting the ink, paper and postage to send the letters if no further actions are to be taken?

Yeah, they should save the paper, ink, and postage costs and distribute the letters through Bittorrent instead.

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