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Comment Re:Well that's random (Score 1) 99

This could also be a major step towards quantum computing.

Why is that just thrown in there? It seems kind of random. "Pizza Hut has created a bacon, cheese, AND sausage stuffed crust pizza! This amazing pizza is very delicious. This could also be a major step towards quantum computing."

The only thing that would improve that comment would be to have it read by Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper...
Well Done!

Comment Re:"Rest assured, the data is going to be obscured (Score 4, Funny) 269

Rest assured, the NSA will be getting the unobfuscated stuff and sending the obfuscated data back to MS.

No, this is much worse than that. The collection of data will lead to Microsoft "helping" you use the system...
and that will be a justification for their ultimate goal...


Comment Re:Rich like the Twinkie Filling (Score 1) 354

I wasn't saying that this particular person (a lawyer, go figure) did not deserve to be jailed for contempt. I said there is no sentence, and no trial. It's a case of comply or rot. If you forgot how to decrypt a file that the judge ordered decrypted, or you claimed the file was corrupted and therefor lost forever, you could well be in the same boat as that guy... 14 years without a trial or (allegedly) a way to remedy the situation...

Comment Re:Dust? (Score 1) 133

So is the Universe coming, or going?

Coming from what?
Going to what?
Well, I don't care as long as my signal is good for the two new Big Bang Theory episodes tonight!
(Headline had me freaked for a second)
And if existence does end I hope the next one is not a re-run... I'm tired of re-runs...

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