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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Is reporting still relevant? (

MrWHO writes: A while ago we switched for monitoring our systems to the ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana) stack. Our management wanted to keep the reports they got — and possibly never read — flowing in at the beginning of every week with statistics like sites traffic, servers downtime, security alerts and the works. As we migrated some of our clients to the same stack they kept all asking for the same thing: reporting.

    There was no way for us to create and schedule reports from ElasticSearch — searches for ElasticSearch and Jasper Reports returned nothing apart from people asking how to do it — so we created our own Jasper Reports plugin to create reports from ElasticSearch data, which we released on GitHub a while ago, and we promptly moved along.

    None of our clients were easily convinced that a dashboard — Kibana — was a substitute for mail delivered PDFs, even if all the information was there, with custom created panels and selectable date ranges. On the other hand in on the elastic search mailing list when questions were asked about "how do I do reports" the answer was, and I sum it up here, "Why would you want reports when you have a dashboard?".

    What I am asking the Slashdot crowd is: are reports still relevant — the PDF, templated, straight in to your mail kind — or the subset of my clients — we operate mainly in Italy — is a skewed sample of what's the actual reality of access to summary data? Are dashboards — management targeted ones — the current accepted solution or — in your experience — reports are still a hot item for management?

Comment Re:Apple's new streaming service? (Score 1) 358

The only way to make something unpiratable is to have it be a continuous interaction between a client and a server where you control the server.

I guess this music "format" is essentially going to be Apple's answer to Pandora, Spotify, et al.

ROTFLOL. The moment that music leaves the speakers, I can have a microphone capture it and funnel it back into another recording device.

Comment Re:Expert. (Score 1) 358

Dear Bono,

If your song can be played, it can be pirated.

Sadly His music wasn't because more people deleted his album than kept it. And why would anyone want interactive liner notes? Does anyone actually read the liner notes anyway. (I mean uberfans do but I am not talking about them).
Music is sound and sound can be copied. If it couldn't, he would simply be blind Mr. Hewson from Finglas who sings a bit much in the pub.

Comment Re:Expert. (Score 1) 358

I can screen cap a pixelmags mag and reassemble it and make another pdf out if it. Honestly, If you know linux you can defeat anything on the android platform. Especially considering Bluestacks exists as a android OS for Desktops. So they are just handwaving. As for the apple product, these things can work perfectly but if no one buys them (10000 or less is still no one) then it fails and it doesn't matter. One group of 5 people who all the time they want and desire to break it open (and the skill to do it) can beat a multimillion company whose workers are paid living wages (or less in foreign countries) any day.

Comment Re:The Titanic is UNSINKABLE. (Score 1) 358

Devil's advocate of the parent.
I will agree with your statement on its face. However, the reasons are simple. The PS4, Xbox One, and others don't have enough interesting content to require the amount of time involved to completely break them open.
As for the blu-ray, yes it has been fully cracked. HDCP master key was leaked in september of 2010 if you want a more detailed explanation. Those multiple players were broke to the point Sony stopped selling them. (that master key computer chip. It exists.) There is a commercial product that allows ripping of Blu-ray dvds now called AnyDVD.
This doesn't mean people haven't attempted opening them up. is the location of the attempt 5 days after the launch of the PS4. Idiot tweeted it and Sony nailed him to the wall. So the files are buried in the Darknet (where cp silk road and the true bottom of the barrel exists) now. This is the current news on the XBoxOne hack attempts. While it was a red herring it means there are people actively trying.

My point is that a) there is no technology that can be used to block the willfull copying of something, if someone truly wants to. Bono is completely clueless. He is to piracy what Jennie McCarthy is to doctors trying to immunize children.
As for apple with out Jobs, it will suffer the EXACT same thing that has happened to all other formats that people discover aren't easily manipulable. No one will buy enough to warrant it remaining. It will fail. Just like 3d TV failed. Just like HD DVD failed. Until Hollywood accepts that their will acceptable losses on all products sold and stuff is allowed to return to the public domain this will continue.

Comment Re:besides... (Score 1) 236

It can't be Apple - they download WESTERN music to your phone, without your permission, which could GET YOU KILLED.

Only if you are playing in the middle east or another area with similar values. Besides how did you get a phone and account there anyway?

Comment Re:Not completely gone (Score 1) 236

Apparently (I haven't read the source docs myself), there is some similar language -- suggesting that some type of order has been served on Apple, so the canary is perhaps not dead yet -- just pining for the fjords [yes, I know, not really the correct use of this phrase].

To date, Apple has not received any orders for bulk data

What's missing is a specific reference to Section 215, suggesting that a limited Section 215 order has been served on Apple.

If its pining for the fjords then it is in fact dead. 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This canary is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! 'E's be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! He's f*ckin' snuffed it!..... THIS IS AN EX CANARY!!

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