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Comment Reddt for news feed (Score 1) 490

I avoid Reddit until recently, i saw it as being mostly troll driven with a few interesting posts, but i find it pretty much the opposite.

They is pretty good news coverage and minimal trolling that i have seen.

Its pretty usless for posting anything except links to news stories as you need a plugin to be able to see pictures inline, so it has a nostaligc feel to it. News feed from 10 years ago...

Comment Re:Yes, works as designed. So what? (Score 1) 222

Exporting to other states has been where the problem manifests.

It makes sense with renewable power to have a well connected grid, it makes generation more efficient, because it can be sold where its needed most, but that places a lot of demand on the national grid, or really the inter-connectors between the states grid.

In the past South Australia, where the battery got disconnected because one of the states transmission lines got blown over from a storm which caused a spike which disconnected the state from the national grid.

So they lost part of their generating capacity, which then stopped them from importing power from other states.

In theory, with the battery in place, it can stabilise the states supply (that wasnt knocked out) which prevents the state inter-connectors from tripping, so external power to come in and prevent a blackout.

Comment Re:Wth are they doing? (Score 1) 222

The operator of the grid sets prices for 5 minute blocks of power, and generators dont bid for it the operator increases the price. There are problems when a big generator suddenly goes offline, and supply cant easily meet demand. Which causes spike in prices.

Generators have been accused of gaming the system also, and there are process underway to improving the bidding process.

Comment Re:Yes, works as designed. So what? (Score 5, Informative) 222

Batteries can be use for grid stability.Batteries can switch on very fast.

A few weeks ago coal generators tripped, which would normally cause problems for the grid due to power spikes, a frequency drops (or something), anyway, this Telsa battery was able to active while the spike was in progress, its that fast.
Link about the cause of the spike

I suspect the original story in the article is this one;

Another story on Batteries setting prices

They have a nice page to show Aus electricity generation sources as well, its a good site. (this one might have problems with noscript+ad-blockers)

Comment Re:Its hard to tell what the poster is upset about (Score 1) 58

Free Software was created to disrupt corporate greed that lead to software becoming locked up and secret.

Free software is being used to make business more efficient, but that doesnt change the original problem that lead to closed source in the first place, greed.

Software isnt being used to lock people out anymore, the information it processes is, nothing changes for the 99%

Comment New licensing principles needed (Score 1) 197

I feel we need a whole new category of licences, ones that do discriminate against different types of usage.

It should not be permitted to USE free software to take away the freedom gained from free software.

Also, there should be a licence that doesn't permit distribution alongside proprietary software, linking or no, but thats a different story.

In the bigger picture the free and open software movement is rotting, any system can be gamed, and thats what has happened, we havent evolved and we need to.

Its probably too late.

Comment Re:Far worse than electricity (Score 1) 453

Network outages can cause unexpected problems;

Town i live had a fire at the telco exchange, which was also doing backhaul for 2 of the 3 mobile providers. It took almost a month to rebuild it.

ATM's, EFT stopped working so people could pay for things, like petrol, food etc... The town became a 'dead zone' for a few hours, you stop here you cant get going again.

Once everyone worked out one of the mobile providers was still working they sold out of 'starter packs' pretty much instantly and more had to delivered by courier.

But retails where prioritised and most where able to switch and accept payments within a day AFAIK.

Police flew some sort of emergency communications system down by helicopter.

A mobile ATM was also bought down (normally used for disaster zones) to take pressure of ATM's, might have been satellite based i dont know.

Banks where allowing people to withdraw money without checking their balance, some people abused it and got in big trouble later.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 282

We all know copyright is a government granted monopoly, so there is no legal competition for any specific work, there is only competition for categories of works.

So "piracy" has emerged as price driver for content, its $15 because if they put the price up more people will pirating it.

In a productive environment more (legal) participants should lead to a lower price. But if they use the courts and social pressure to stop people pirating they can put the price up and sell it to more people.

Its a corruption of the market.

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