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Comment Re:Not gonna happen (Score 1) 389

Your job, assuming your rights were protected 100% against illegal copying, still require people to pay for your intellectual property. And media is one of the first thing to go when a family budget gets tight. So your last hope would be to collect a huge amount per copy since only the rich will be able to afford it but there's a lot less rich people than middle class or lower class people. And even the rich people won't pay for your works past a certain amount, so whatever happens you still won't be able to live off that.

Every single one of your assumptions about my job are false.

1) My rights are protected because I'm the only one providing my product and no one else can duplicate it. Not because of legal protections, but because it is perfectly unique.
2) My main income stream has nothing to do with "media", although I do get a little side income from that. Intellectual property laws do not protect my actual product and in fact, could not possibly do so.
3) My product is impossible to copy, because it is the result of a very unique set of circumstances. If you want it, you have to come to me. I suppose someone who wanted to approximate what I've done could do so, but it would take them a few decades if they started today, and even then it would only be approximately the same (thought it might be better, I suppose). .
4) I do not have to charge a large amount per instance. In fact, I've created a non-profit to make sure my product is available to people who might otherwise not be able to afford it (and those who might not have access for other reasons).
5) Finally, there are so many "rich people" (your term, not mine) who want my product that I have to turn about 70% away because the product is so limited.
6) The best part, is that it's something I will make even when I no longer have to in order to pay the bills, because it's so enjoyable doing so and makes me so happy.

Your sig seems to indicate you are into bitcoins. That might explain why you are unable to grasp the very simple concept of my unique business.

Comment Re: Nothing is possible. (Score 3, Insightful) 249

It has been proven over and over that the only people who always behave according to game theory are economists and sociopaths.

I don't know who you are, friend, but that's the most insightful thing I've read on the internet so far today.

Of course, it's only 6:48am and I've been up for 45 minutes, but you are correct.

Comment Re:That clinches it. (Score 1) 393

Well, that clinches it for me. 2020 is *definitely* the year of the Linux desktop.

Even if it's not "on my desktop" it'll be in my router, my server and the box over in the corner that I use to offload effects-processing and rendering chores for my digital audio workstation.

I may not run Linux on my "desktop", but it still seems to have surrounded me.

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 3, Insightful) 216

I find I'm waiting for the Christmas blowouts typically, and until them I'm loading up on the $20 indie titles.

Heck, last year I distinctly remember buying the new Wolfenstein and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag for less than half the full price, and I had a great time with both of them. I don't have a problem with waiting a little while. Waiting also has two other big benefits for me. First, by the time I buy a game, it has been patched and tweaked and actually runs properly and second, it gives me a chance to upgrade my PC to play the game as it was meant to be played without getting fleeced for premium prices for new components.

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 1) 216

The viewer's sense of entitlement is the single factor preventing them from having a legal way to obtain content.

You might not realize this, but consumers are supposed to have a sense of entitlement when it comes to getting the products they want at an affordable price.

There was a time when companies understood this, but in today's business climate, it seems that the prevalent business model involves making sure your customers don't have any choices. You want to play a game without having a persistent internet connection? Fuck you, pay me.. You want to avoid having intrusive and dangerous DRM on your computer? Fuck you, pay me. You want to know whether a game will run on your computer or is completely buggy before dropping >$60 on it? Fuck you, pay me. You want a choice of internet service providers? Fuck you, pay me.

It a climate of such corporate hostility, I can absolutely understand it when a consumer decides that the best response is, "Oh yeah? Well fuck YOU, too!

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