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Comment In other Cinema vs MRAs news... (Score -1, Troll) 228

The world of MRAs is in a new uproar because that boycott of Mad Max they were calling for last week? IT TOTALLY DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Before you go to this story for a good chortle, remember that Dean Esmay is the proprietor of "A Voice for Men" which is considered one of the "serious" and "moderate" MRA forums. There goes my hero. Watch him as he shits on the floor in fury.


Comment Re:"Incredibly feminist action film"- Charlize The (Score 1) 776

I will not buy a movie that I might otherwise have bought if I suspect that the plot has been tampered with to make it more PC.

You believe the plot has been "tampered with"? By whom?

The director is the guy who invented Mad Max, and he's had about as much control over this project as an auteur director can have over a blockbuster film. Who are these dark agents that have tampered with the elemental forces of action films to make this one "more PC"? Do you also believe there is a powerful feminist cabal that forces action directors to bend to their will? Are you convinced this isn't exactly the movie that George Miller intended to make?

It's not my dis-ingenuity you should be questioning, Drinky.

Comment Re:Yeah, disappointing (Score 1, Insightful) 776

this page [reddit.com] is a relatively extensive FAQ about the MRA movement and what it is about.

And here is an upvoted comment from that same subreddit:

Brute strength is an advantage though. An immigrant coworker from a few jobs ago recommended that I beat my wife when I complained to him that she does little at home and earns no money. He told me the tale of how his wife wouldn't iron his t-shirts because she thought hanging them was enough, so he beat her. She called her family, and her dad came over, and he beat him, and then her brother came over, and he beat the brother too. Now all his t-shirts are ironed.

There is your MRA in full. Strip away the sad attempt at public relations in the FAQ, and you find some violent, hateful motherfuckers.

You want me to post some Men's Rights subreddit threads that talk about how rape needs to be legalized? I've got some if you'd like to see them, but my guess is that you've already seen them.

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