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Comment Re:Will Technology Disrupt the Song? (Score 1) 158

I do not see a massive contradiction. Artists were always in search for a sponsor. I work for the money too. I like when it makes fun to but if it does not I still do it to pay for the bills and few times in my life I was proud of what I (together with some other slaves like me) achieved. Great artist can make huge amounts of money and produce artwork that are of great value to many people - what is wrong with that? OTOH the majority, the mass will produce mediocre stuff that if they are lucky make them famous for 5seconds. even this will surely be of some nostalgic value for guys few decades away sifting trough mountains of crap that our era produced and for reasons unknown to anybody saved.

Comment Re:E-mail client? (Score 1) 85

The solutions are known more or less, at least to people that want to know. The problem are people that only look at bottom line and at things required of business by law. Maybe it works some other way - I see the odds for it to work are just against it unless somebody makes the cost of such actions necessary. I may be mistaken tho.

Comment Re:E-mail client? (Score 1) 85

These are not 90ties anymore - go fix it or get bust. This is too important an issue to be left for ignorant to decide on basis of their own cost/benefit calculation especially as client's well being is not part of this calculation. Seems like a nice place for legislature to ask some tech savvy guys to specify what is absolutely needed for a regulation in an area. OC this is red tape and some such but I guess complex societal structures require appropriate solutions and isolation of certain part of your systems is not even that complex - neither to do nor to understand. It is cost of doing business.

Comment Re: E-mail client? (Score 1) 85

The cars have to have (among other things) working brakes, lights etc. Your car does not have those then it usually is not allowed on the public road. I think software security or rather IT related criminality grew up in importance so much as to mandate legal requirement on businesses to for instance isolate particular parts of your system from other parts of your system. Retail or not if they have to know any details of your financial well being they must be able to be trusted to know such details. The only way to deal with general public ignorance on matters that count as important for well being of general public is by laws and law enforcement.
OC businesses will go cheap if they can - the dedicated device is not cheap thus it will be replaced by generic one where everybody can do whatever they want to. A customer cannot be even expected to know status of security in a shop or even to know the difference between different pieces of intelligent HW in the shop. One cannot expect the owner to know that either - they follow the bottom line and law. If one (bottom line) is not clearly and directly indicating them not to do things then the other has to.

Comment Re:And I'm the feminist deity (Score 1) 446

That is exaggerated. Software development still pays well. It does not pay as well as it did, not for anybody that has enough ability as it used to be say 30ya but still. The problem that is there for sure is that this ability being mostly in our heads means one can hire such head elsewhere as long as communication is possible. This makes for much intense global competition than it used to. Plus the automation of 'a plumber' is still decades off and automation of your skill is maybe a year or two ahead of you. There are also other factors. 'Plumber' jobs flow steadily in any big enough population center. Software jobs tend to move from one center of population to another much easier than anything else - this makes it difficult for all but stars among us to have a normal family life.
I would still make the same choice at the end of my university. I would however made some other career choice along the way involving investment in own managing capabilities and better choice of procreation partner. It is too late now so I have to live with what I have. If my kids ever want to be software monkeys - so be it. I will be there I hope to support them in whatever problems they encounter. Good plumber is possibly better than good software developer. This said good lawyer is maybe better than good plumber? One thing is certain - the way our societies go a massive change is under way. Wealth is being redistributed again and google - that is somehow related to the subject of these threads is doing part of redistributing. A task for you - do you think it is distributing it within your own local society or it helps the flow in one direction? It is not only google - many platforms graze everywhere and cash in in cayman islands. But that is another story.

Comment Re:And I'm the feminist deity (Score 1) 446

As for limited social interaction in software jobs - in most of the projects I worked for, the limited social interaction was a reason why they were over budget, over schedule and wobbling on quality.
The only thing worse that limited social interaction in a software project is too much BS-ing sessions called also meetings that nobody prepares for so that they take hours and do not even bring a relief that a coursing session at the coffee machine brings.

Comment Re:Greece cannot make debt payments... (Score 1) 743

The part about Island is almost true. Not sure about jails but letting the banks fail and hoping for the best was what saved Island. As for the rest it may also be that the current technological and economic changes our societies go trough will force high unemployment and possible further state failures in Europe. We are not that far yet however so your 'broken' countries are not broken yet. Or in some time scale we are all broke and if these are long enough dead too.
On bankers still: I am all for decimating exercise - you want to work in finance you sign to a lottery and once a quarterly results are over a draw is done and 10% of CEOs etc go to the lions - televised of course. For those that are to faint to fight lions I think there are still ebola dead to be buried. OC at the end some figureheads would be sent to die which is why such plans never work :(

Comment Re:it's not "slow and calculated torture" (Score 1) 743

How true. If Germans were to give all their federal state debt back tomorrow they would be in default. The same is true for almost all other EU countries. I think Sweden went down with their debts in 90ties. Surprisingly Russia had low levels of sovereign debt (not sure now after a year of proxy war/scuffles with US). I was watching this default teasing in Greece this year and was wondering - they do not get any money from outside, they have no money inside so which of the maturity points will be a tipping one? This looks like as if somebody in Brussels, Frankfurt and Berlin decided Greece has to go now or stand up on its own. I suppose once in default treaties will force immediate exit from Euro zone. If not for all the poor people that are gonna suffer this would be funny.

Comment Re:They're bums, why keep them around (Score 1) 743

I agree they are not Venezuela - no Chavez, no oil and yet they too are screwed. I guess having corrupt political class is a heavy burden. As well as not letting enough of the debt go. Poland which was given here as an example had admittedly better chances - country that believed the change was inevitable and beneficial for all (whether the 'beneficial for all' part was actually true is questionable as last years immigration figures prove) was given a huge relief of their debts and really committed to change at least for first few years. Sometimes you need to cut the rotten parts. But for that again you need trust to those that rule and we come again to corrupt ruling classes at home and banks that we know are no friends of radical change of the type needed.

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