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Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

and gulag for thinking otherwise shall complete this dream of yours.

I do not think we are even remotely there so you can relax.

Comment Re:It's the devil (Score 1) 108

why is this OT (state as of 12022014 1617CET) ???

I respect hookers that respect my money. This already is a selection criteria that is sharp like a razor and if I were smart I would have also used why choosing my ex-wife by I digress. The hookers are as much of god's plan as the rest. I can imagine however that those not enforcing use of condoms should be condemned to hell, at least as long as all health issues associate with such reckless approach are not resolved.

Comment Re:The title says it all. (Score 1) 2219

it would be interesting to know the view of official owners about their business model used here.

I understand this as you do - there are frequent users and contributors which in fact makes them co-authors of the site. There are also owners of the site infrastructure and providers of infrastructure's maintenance. There are also financiers that give money - this is adware then right? There are also people that come and consume only. From these groups the first and last are the reason that adware is placed. Once this is cleared we can see whether owners can do what they want with the site? They of course can. If there is backlash with first group the last group will also be severely affected so this means less revenue from adware owners. What I would like to know is how much adware is needed to support the site and how big and what 'audience' one needs to consume adware.

Comment Re:Beta feedback helps (Score 1) 197

funny that most of project management skills in organizations I worked for last few years are considered useless or (god forbid) 'old way of working'. Not sure why. After all most of the projects that are meaningful for large organizations are also large i.e. require considerable skill in managing. One can of course claim that such projects can be split into set of smaller ones but this again requires quite some knowledge not only in management but also in involved technology.

Other than that I consider bett a 'success' in uniting /.ers - I have never seen such majority agreeing here on anything.

Comment Re:Holy crap (Score 1) 268

I call it a success. It is incredibly difficult to unite more than 1 person and if you look on any /. thread you will see that besides tons of frist pr0st and side discussions there is not one where there was an absolute majority agreeing on a topic and in short time. This is rare, almost none-existing occurrence, where so many agree on one thing. It may be a failure for the new looks but it is a success in this sense that so many people agree. Now if we could move this rare moments of unification into something useful like tearing off heads of hydra that industrial-financial-military-spying complex has become. Ohhh sweet dreams....

Comment Re:The Schutzstaffel (Score 1) 133

So if a system evolves from kind of democratic and respecting human rights into police state and we lose all the control possibility we should just agree with this and silently protest? Maybe we should. Gandhi did that after he found out military response to British rule is pointless. OC problem here is that oppressors are difficult to send away as they live among us. Another thing is - government agencies doing things that other cannot, operate under specific rules that are there to ensure no violations occur and if they do then they are handled appropriately. What we see now is that governments of today developed ways to bypass this - they hide their activities or if that is impossible they reinterpret the law. Considering abysmal record of British justice system I'd say the moment where a direct actions may be necessary, becomes close. I do not want to be around when that happens tho.

Comment Re:So can I sue my college? (Score 2) 206

so a group of classmates decide what was missing in the course you took 30ya. I doubt this 'if we did it again we should have learned this and that too' approach. It is counterproductive as it is pure waste of time for majority. I wonder for instance about these two things:
  1. How big part of your original group was this visiting party? Do you think all of them would need this English writing course now?
  2. How applicable would this English writing course be now - things change, ways of communicating do too. We use the same words but we know (I hope) about some golden rules like that majority of what you say is lost anyway, keep it simple etc. Some good teachers back then could have sensed or known this but chances are that they would not.

One more thing:

literally doesn't mean what you think it does.

Indeed: if you look at m-w or any other dictionary then you may notice that the modern use have two opposite meanings. That belongs to the richness and sophistication of modern language. It may be that English writing course could have indicated this back in 80ties but I doubt if that would have helped you. Maybe you should take the course now? The way I see it, old courses we took as young people were meant to give us two things: some background knowledge in subject we chose as well as ability to learn things that we need in working life. Overloading the course with shit has added advantage of making sure you can learn how to ignore things you do not need but that is an expensive course and possibility of added value is small as some people would have learned the stuff anyway instead of having constructively critical approach.

You have management position and your buddies too - fine, try to make the world a better place instead of trying to enforce literal use of the word 'literally'.

Comment Re:So can I sue my college? (Score 1) 206

20years ago I still had a documentation to speak of, now I have piece of garbage that kind of works but not really but to make thinks cheaper does not have any documentation at all. Gosh, today, even when I move between projects in the same company, I even have to spent week or two every time to reverse engineer their build system because every time it is different and every time it is not documented while it is also made interdependent in places where one would not expect it. Most of the problems I had 20ya were compact comparing with wide spread shit of modern decentralized systems. This is true with technology I work with as well as with the state administration I have to fight with to have the right to see my kids or get my insurance company to pay. All these was simpler back then. I am pretty sure that when my Pa tried to collect money from his account he was not confronted with BS as HSBC customers are today.

Comment Re:what's "interesting"? (Score 3, Interesting) 206

You first say, you forget what you've said then you say it is not forgetting but being unable to complete search before new one comes. Maybe that is already a sign you know :)

I also noticed that wandering about is (in my case) more of a character trait, than age related thing. I was mind wandering much more, when I was young. It took years till I learned, that I do and few more to learn how to control that. Learning that I do wander about was a tough part but few 'friends' were very helpful in teasing me into discussions because it amused them how I wander about connecting more and more of new aspects. They had golden moments of entertainment out of that which I noticed years later when I changed environment and they became less careful and more blunt. Come to think of it, this maybe the same process: my thinking was faster than the search process - I was just made that way. Reading Encyclopedia (does anybody here still knows what that is and how did it look like without looking in wikipedia or asking dr Google - young colleague of mine I interrogated on the subject yesterday, knew what that is but have never seen one) was one of the things that would help create effect by overloading brain with shit in relatively young age already. Which then leads me to the point where I think it is not really the amount of information but rather the spread of it - most people do not gather knowledge and brain is good in storing only some facets of events (sort of mp3 of nature), problems with search is much more visible when you have to search in this chain of memories and then the other etc.

interesting subject early in the morning. I suppose I spent early ours at work thinking about that and not about verifying why the system is f.ed up again and who did it.

Comment Re:Dont do anyone any favors (Score 1) 644

these are good arguments for (social sort of) insurance that you state there. You know: the high risk gets covered by community of those that take a risk sort of insurance. Only the insurance system is not what it used to be in old good times. I thought first modern insurance was organized in establishment of Mr Lloyd but that does not seem to be true and first schemes which can be called insurance are as old as organized civilization. From one perspective it is really amazing how far we went with this sort of schemes. Yet it is also said to see how complex and unforgiving these systems have become. Maybe that was inevitable and expanding and extending them means that they lose most of its supportive character and get more vicious 'get back my dollar and then two more' schemes to get rich by some private entities or 'we get back our dollar and yours too' by the state. Rules ensure social cohesion that allows us to live in peace. Too many of them make life difficult and matters like these in TFA just look inhumane, patronizing and devoid of any compassion the social systems suppose to have.

It is not much different here on this side of the pond so this trend is everywhere.

That is possibly OT but this sort of situation can be also seen as typical for systems that support marriage and family. For good or bad our societies changed and family is not the papa, mama till death does them apart system that it used to be. Maybe we shall concentrate these systems on supporting the kids and thinking about what we really want. Do we want a healthy society with social bonds and kids growing in it or not. The same applies to people needing support at times. Do more of shit like the Kansas authorities and you may see your society dissipating in worse case or just plain ugly and painful to live in, in good one. The authorities being part of the society are lost in the see of rules and choices and do not know anymore what to do or rather what is the good thing to do.

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