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Comment Re: Worth a shot (Score 1) 212

I own a web hosting business. I resell certificates. I keep my prices pretty low ($10CAD for Comodo PositiveSSL, $12CAD for RapidSSL). I do this to try to push the notion that you need to encrypt everything. I'm currently planning to start giving them away with hosting packages, when paid annually.

With that said, I really don't care if technology carries us another direction and I lose those sales. I don't really make much on them anyway ($4-5 per cert).

I really like the idea of DNSSEC and DANE. From my understanding, about the only way around it would be to breach the registries.

Comment Re: Seagate OEM? (Score 1) 142

I pay for a business account with an online retailer. Said business account provides me with a 2 year exchange on all hard drives (and a bunch of other benefits).

So if the drive fails within 2 years, I send it back to them and they replace it with a similar model, and they pay for the shipping.

If it happens out of the two year scope, I'm better off just buying a new drive than dealing with the hassle of sending it to the manufacturer.

I don't own a shop, nor do I provide IT services. I used to buy A LOT of stuff from them, and decided to start paying the yearly fee.

Comment Re: Seagate OEM? (Score 1) 142

What are the odd's I would have one of the employee's from the article comment on my little ol' post?

I keep local backups. I've been browsing online, looking for an online backup service that I like, so far not a whole lot of luck. I exclusively run Funtoo Linux on all of my personal and office computers (workstation at home, workstation at office, and laptop). From what I understand, you don't support Linux (yet).

My basic requirements are:
- support Linux (one of ssh/scp, rsync, webdav)
- preferably data located in Canada

As it stands, I'm better off firing up a VM on one of my servers and backing up to it... but that comes with all the other associated headaches like securing, configuring, maintaining the server.

Comment Re: Seagate OEM? (Score 3, Informative) 142

I buy whatever is cheapest.

I know it's a toss up no matter what or when you buy hard drives, so the only thing I have left to guage is price, capacity, and speed (RPM) depending on the intended use.

About a year ago I took a gamble on an SSD for my primary workstation. I bought an ADATA SX900 64GB drive. I had never heard of the brand before. It was ~$120 at the time, and the cheapest for that capacity. I've been looking at getting a 128GB (or so) SSD for my laptop. Prices right now look like I will be getting another ADATA... but I am holding out for Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals to decide.

Oddly enough, over the past 10 years, I've never had a hard drive die in any of my computers while in use. I have a stack of 4 or 5 drives, ranging in capacity from 100GB to 500GB, 3 different different brands, that I'm not using right now. A while back, I plugged one in just to see if it still worked and it didn't. I recently found out it was the hotswap bay that quit working, so as far as I know it still works.

Conversely, I have some servers in a datacenter. Had a drive fail on reboot after a kernel upgrade the other night. Sent a ticket to the DC and they plugged a new one in. Good to go again. In case you're wondering, it has 4x600GB SAS drives in RAID-10.

TL;DR: Buy whatever is cheapest, the odds are always the same.

Comment Re: I thought the lower receiver is the weapon.. (Score 0) 353

The difference between a gun and a knife is /very/ significant. For example, with a semi automatic gun, you can take out a lot more people, a lot more quickly. With a knife, that is not so easily accomplished.

I was born, raised, and live in Canada. Our gun laws are incredibly strict. Our gun violence is virtually non-existant (yes, some slip through the cracks, that is expected).

I will admit I am completely biased on this subject, but considering there is more gun violence in most individual US States than there is in my country, I'd say we're doing something right.

I'm not afraid to go for a walk or jog at night. I'm not paraoid about locking my doors at night. I'm not afraid to go to a mall, or public place. I'm not afraid to send my children to school.

All too many Americans are living in fear, and it's mostly due to gun violence.

Comment Re: Who cares if it makes sense,,, (Score 4, Interesting) 613

Here in Saskatchewan, we do not observe Daylight Saving Time. The entire province is really smack dab center between two timezones. A number of years ago our provincial government decided to do away with DST. We are now, effectively, permanently in Central Standard Time.

As a business owner, who deals with clients across North America, I have a lot of people try to correct me when I say our timezone is CST, and they believe it should be CDT. Some people simply cannot comprehend that we don't observe DST.

As an aside, the only argument we have about the time around here is whether we are stuck on CST or MDT.

Comment Re: Idiotic premise (Score 1) 269

If there was a truely open, distributed, social platform/framework, I could totally see it being coupled with email accounts. Some email services are paid, some are free. The provider could either have ad supported service, or paid, or both.

The fact you would have a choice in where your data is held, is the important part, though.

Comment Re:OwnCloud? (Score 2) 124

OwnCloud is a WebDAV based system. It's inherently bloated, but it works. Setting it up your own web server is a requirement (or purchasing web hosting somewhere, but then the trust/security goes out the window).
Google Drive, Dropbox, Onedrive, OwnCloud all require storing your data elsewhere.

BT Sync only syncs data across your devices. It does it really well, utilizing Bittorrent protocols and DHT. It's actually a very useful tool. I use it all the time.

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