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Comment Re:This was obvious. (Score 1) 617

And where does the employee of the company who is buying the ads come in? He doesn't have a say in how the political ad money is spent. It's the executives who decide that. It's fundamentally different from the case of people voluntarily joining together for the express purpose of furthering a political goal. There are sure to be employees who disagree with the donations, but can't speak up for fear of losing their jobs. How's that for trampling rights?

Comment Re:Reality's well-known biases (Score 1) 277

Of course to be fair I think even many of those scientists do produce good research, with their results either buried or cherrypicked depending on whether or not it's favorable to their corporate sponsors. Granted you'd think that anyone who stays in such an environment has to be somewhat complicit, I'm just saying they're maybe not as corrupt as you might think.

Comment Re:I call BS (Score 1) 738

You must be suffocating in your own smug, you poor thing. If you're so sure we can adapt and change, why not do it now before the shit hits the fan? The longer we wait the higher the chance of a Malthusian collapse. It's idiotic not to implement those sustainable solutions now, and yet you seem happy to put it off. Please, explicate your rationalizations for us!

Comment Re:The best job... (Score 1) 404

That's basically the gender-reversed equivalent of you giving your girlfriend a black eye because she dared to ask for something, and laughing with your friends about it. She sounds like a real keeper!

Comment Re:And the odds of habitable aren't that great (Score 1) 575

SETIguy quoted Clarke higher up in the thread, something about a guy saying something is impossible.... He'd have been more on topic had he replied to you. There are all kinds of things that could make this planet habitable and discounting them without any facts or even statistics to back you up is foolish.

Comment Re:Annddd.... (Score 2) 575

Yes, we've all heard the quote but it doesn't really apply here. The guy is saying it's not just possible, it's almost certain. And yes, technically you could say 'well he's really saying it's impossible there isn't life there' but that's just being a pedant. Yes, he could be wrong but it's clearly hyperbole. When a scientist says that something is impossible he's rarely being hyperbolic. The meaning and spirit of Clarke's quote is clearly that 'far more things are possible than people/scientists think'.

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