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Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 341

They weren't on tour, that's a very old shot from when the building (formerly a bar) was vacant.

The Google van blurs out people, so as not to be invasive. That said, some Germans sued over the google van.

If glass could blur out faces unless the face's owner accepted being filmed, there would be no problem. Google should work on that.

Comment Re:Black Mirror - The Entire History of You (Score 1) 341

When I use the term "glasshole" I'm not referring to any specific person, I'm referring to those who use google glass inappropriately. They're not for sale to the general public yet, so I would extend the term to someone who wants a pair.

Not that there won't be glass users who aren't glassholes; if you use them in place of a helmet cam biking, motorcycling, skiing, etc you're not a glasshole; it would be safer than a helmet cam, which can weaken your helmet.

If you take someone's picture or record them without permission, you ARE an asshole. Didn't your mother teach you any manners?

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 341

There is probably a reason that most people stay away from redneck bars.

Redneck bars and biker bars are safe, as long as you don't act like an asshole. Go into a yuppie bar and grab someone's ass and you'll be shown the door by a bouncer. Grab someone's ass in a redneck bar and you'll deservedly lose some teeth.

Sounds like the solution to your problem is a REALLY big guy with a camera and a holster.

No, the solution to my problem is complain to the bartender and if (s)he does nothing, leave. Actually, the solution to my "problem" is to stay the hell away from yuppie bars. I don't like the company or prices in those places anyway.

I'm not the one who's going to kick your ass, I'm a pacifist. But I will warn narcissistic morons who think they're better than everyone else that if they don't cool their assholishness someone else surely will.

Wearing Google Glass is the same as a t-shirt saying "I'm an asshole, please kick my ass."

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 101

Protip: as soon as it's defined as a person, and not an organism, what you are reading it likely to be wrong.

Animals are organisms. Humans are an animal species. We ARE organisms. Your dog has an artificial hip? He's a cyborg. You have an artificial hip? You're a cyborg.

Now explain to me why an electrical signal to our brain from your optical nerve is different then to your brain via any other nerve.

Nerve signals are chemical, not electrical. You can, however, affect chemistry with electricity, which is how it's different.

Comment Re:Forgone conclusion? (Score 1) 47

People will pay a reasonable price for content make it more easy than pirating.

Such as .99 cents on the Apple Store and elsewhere?

Well, your less than 1/10th of a penny would be a damned good price, but the ninety nine cents they're charging is WAY WAY WAY too high. It wasn't that long ago that you got a 45 RPM record with a song on each side for that price, and it had manufacturing, warehousing, breakage, and distributing costs. And you have a physical object you had full ownersip of (the piece of plastic and its sleeve). Paying twice that for a fucking download that you can sample from the radio for free and legally is ripping off the stupid. No way a fair price, and only a young fool would think it's a fair price.

And even though the price is brain-dead crazy high (a dime would be fair), the labels are raking in a lot more cash than when they were battling Napster.

The RIAA are morons. They should have freely given away MP3s as advertising for CDs, touted CD's superior fidelity, and had "added value" in the CDs. Of course, it wouldn't have hurt to de-sign all the shitty bands that can only come up with one good song in fifteen. When you consider $20 for a CD with one good song ($20 is $15 too much, indies charge $5) and forget or don't know about history it wouldn't sound so bad. But it is.

And per-song pricing is brain dead at any price. You have a two minute Bieber song for $.99 and Iron Butterfly's sixteen minute "In a Gadda Da Vida" or Little Feat's twenty minute "Dixie Chicken" for the same price? That's absurd.

The fact of the matter is people believe they are entitled to take whatever they want without having to pay the artist.

That would be the record labels, not the fans. Pirates spend more money on content than non-pirates, as all the studies have shown. Plus, as mentioned, people are paying a ridiculous $.99 per song willingly when a pirate download is as easy.

Comment Re:Wow... misconfigured devices are insecure? (Score 1) 264

Bullshit. If you're supplied with your ISP's router, simply buy a second one and plug your PCs and ISP router into your own. It's yours, you can block traffic with it even if the one feeding it can't.

Where did all the nerds go?? Way too many normals here these days who are anti-science and technology and ignorant of both.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 341

The last time I checked everybody at the local bar was carrying a cell phone camera, and I've yet to see somebody get punched in the face over it.

Well, the bars you go to must be too high class then. Try a redneck bar and see how your asshole glass turns out. When someone points a phone or a camera at me I can turn my back or say "take that picture and I'll break your goddamned phone." With Google Glass they're pointing a camera at everyone.

Once last year a fellow got drunk outside Felbers and passed out, while he was unconscious a woman I detest put makeup on him. Had his picture been taken and he found out about it, there would have certainly been some missing teeth. I'm pretty sure if you walked in wearing a pair of asshole glasses the bartender would make you leave.

Google glass does have legitimate uses, but wearing them into a bar or restaurant isn't one of them. Wear them hunting, skiing, hiking, sightseeing. Don't take my fucking picture without permission, and don't even make me THINK you're taking my picture without permission.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 101

And thank $deity for that; could you imagine such a thing, in today's world of proprietary hardware and software, not to mention planned obsolescence?

That train already left the station. It's certain you know real cyborgs, it's just that we cyborgs don't stand out; we don't look like the terminator or robocop. A very large number of (mostly older) people have artificial hips, CrystaLens eye implants, artificial knees, cochlear implants, pacemakers, and other other mechanical parts implanted. Without those parts some of us would be disabled, often severely, or in the case of pacemakers, dead.

I was severely nearsighted all my life, then passed 40 and was farsighted as well as nearsighted. Then I got a cataract from steroid eye drops that had been prescribed and had surgery. I now have better than 20/20 vision at all distances; no more contact lenses, no more reading glasses.

And people wonder why I love technology so much...

As to planned obsolescence, my mother's eye implants are obsolete (although still used, the new ones that focus are more expensive) since she got them in 2000 and the CrystaLens wasn't approved until 2003. When its patent runs out, nobody will have monofocal lenses implanted.

I just hope one of the struts doesn't break...

Comment Re:Have you stopped beating your wife yet? (Score 1) 101

I can back you up on that, I'm a cyborg, too. I have a CrystaLens implant. If yours is the old fixed focus lens it's debatable whether or not you're a cyborg, it depends on whether your monofocal implant is a device (I would agree it is, but there's no argument about something that focuses).

Dick Cheney used to be a cyborg but no longer is. Since his heart transplant there's no implanted device, so he's now a chimera. You would be surprised how many real cyborgs and chimeras there are today, especially since the first cyborg was a Brit in 1949 who got the first cataract surgery and the first chimera was in the 1960s (first transplant surgery).

Comment Re:UI Designers Suck (Score 1) 237

Yes, I remember those. They broke, too.

Odd, in my 60 years of listening to car radios I never saw a single one of those old radios break. Not one. But almost every single digital car radio I've had has malfunctioned one way or another.

The best media player has no moving parts.

I can agree with that, but I've seen amplifiers (bigger power amps) with no moving parts (volume was controlled by the input device) go south. As to radios, I have yet to see a car radio with no moving parts. Right now, the volume knob in my car (thank God they got rid of volume buttons on the dash) usually turns the radio down when you're trying to turn it up. With a plain old potentiometer like they used to use, when it started getting bad you'd get static, a little switch oil always fixed the problem.

Comment Re:UI Designers Suck (Score 1) 237

Digital tuning is inferior to analog tuning, because there isn't enough of a fine-grain control. Sure, in an analog tuner KSHE is 95 rather than 94.7, but atmospherics bend radio waves just like they bend light. Ever notice that blue skies aren't always the same color blue? That's because atmospheric pressure is changing the frequency of the light slightly, just as it changes the frequency of radio waves slightly. If the signal drifts to 94.8 because you're in Litchfield, your digital tuner will spew static along with your rock and roll, while you can tune that analog dial to 94.8127469247.

The very best tuner I ever had was analog, back in the seventies. I lived in Edwardsville, 40 or 50 miles away from a university right by Forest Park in St Louis (Washington U iirc). The college radio station was ten watts, and I could pick it up clearly in my on-campus apartment in Edwardsville. Picking up that station was like discerning a ten watt red night light from 40 miles away while a dozen fifty thousand watt blue searchlights are all shining at you as well. You're NOT going to hear that station in Edwardsville with any digital tuner made.

Digital tuners are better than analog only because they're dirt cheap and analog is not.

Oh, and you managed to reference the stupidest drug-addled song of my generation, a real channel changer (I'd almost rather hear hip-hop).

Comment Re:So a fake pub with drinks and a place to sit (Score 1) 118

no one will be given enough alcohol to put them over the legal driving limit

Then it hardly mimics a real bar. I visit bars frequently (where do you think I get my colorful characters in my fiction from?) and at any time of day, even in the morning there are drunks. By four o'clock often half the people there are well over the legal limit.

And real bars don't just have college kids, they have all ages, from 21 to 101. They don't just have college kids and grads, they have illiterates who read at a first grade level and dropped out in the eighth grade.

I'd like to see the actual study, from what I see here the research will never give any meaningful results. You might as well have fifteen year olds drinking Pepsi and the study wouldn't be any worse.

Comment Re:Black Mirror - The Entire History of You (Score 1) 341

Honestly, I think what has to change is our expectations.

If by "our" expectations, you mean you glassholes' expectations.

The only reason people value privacy is because we're accustomed to having it.

The only reason people value cell phones is because they're accustomed to having them. When I was your age, they didn't exist. But guess what? Privacy has existed since the beginning of our species, if it were worthless it would have gone away millenia ago.

Everything, everywhere will be recorded, stored forever, indexed, and posted online.

Welcome to Orwell's dystopia, glasshole.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 341

I'll tell you what, show up here (that's an old photo, a new one would have fifty Harleys in the lot; it's the HQ of the Outlaws MC, a biker gang who once tried to murder a friend of mine) wearing asshole glasses and see how long it takes for the ambulance to arrive. Actually the fire truck will show up first, luckily for you the paramedics are only a few blocks away.

In Felber's, the redneck bar caddy corner to the OMC, you'ld probably be laughed out of the place if not thrown out by the bartender (And I'd take Joe on before I tangled with Ruthe, and Joe was an Army ranger).

Comment Re:Have you stopped beating your wife yet? (Score 1) 101

Oh, how the mighty slashdot community has fallen. First "troll" and now "funny"? That was insightful. An automobile, a telephone, Google Glass, even prosthetic feet don't make you a cyborg. A cyborg is an organism with an implanted device which allows the organism to function better. Look it up in Webster's or the OED, they both agree (and no, wictionary and the urban dictionaries are not accurate about much of anything except slang). Your glasses don't make you a cyborg, but my eye implant makes me one. Your artificial limb doesn't make you a cyborg, but your hip and knee implants do.

Dick Cheney used to be a cyborg, as he had a pacemaker. He's no longer a cyborg, now he's a chimera since he had a heart transplant.

Dumbest article I've read all week. What's happening to my beloved slashdot that ignorant stories like this get voted to the front page and insightful comments like the above are modded "troll" and "funny" by people with two digit IQs, voted and modded by people who five years ago wouldn't have been caught dead at slashdot.

The normals are starting to outnumber we nerds here, which is even a worse development than Beta (especially since we still have classic).

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