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Comment Re:Please specify a better scenario (Score 1) 272

And here I am out of mod points.

At first reading something seemed off about the question, and I think you summed it up nicely.

To me it comes across a bit as the OP asking 'I need some vaguely authoritative sounding reasons for a sexy solution, look at my keywords and tell me what is "in" with that community'

Comment Re:Some are more equal than others... (Score 3, Informative) 1116

Ahm, there is wide action in his support. They guy is getting a massive outpouring of support from the media and internet in general. It is not the only reaction, but it is pretty well represented because of, *gasp* free speech. Yes, in free speech the minority side actually gets to make their case, not just keep quite from bothering the poor oppressed WASPs who's right to be intolerant without repercussion must be maintained.

Comment Re:Can't fire a Nazi? (Score 1) 1116

Depends on just how weak your group is. Years ago I knew several lesbians who, when outed, had trouble finding ANY work in their region. There was some ROTC kid going around making sure any business who hired them knew they were hiring a lesbian and they would immediately be fired. Kinda hard to have 'freedom' when you can not pay your rent.

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