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Comment Re:Unlikely (Score 1) 270

I keep hoping there will be a resurgence in GLPv2 development. While Apple is a high profile example, companies that work with embedded software have generally not been happy with what many feel were changes singling them out while not putting the same burden on other GPL users, kinda like sacrificial goats. The politics behind GPLv3 and who's needs it prioritized left a bad taste in some people's mouths.

Comment Re:Language wars joy (Score 1) 270

I doubt we'll ever get away from language wars. Beyond touching on people's egos and world views, language wars are heavily linked to very real world concerns like industry direction, priority/visibility, and employability. They are a proxy for the anxiousness people have over their own professional futures.

Comment Re:See it before (Score 4, Interesting) 276

Probably something similar. Like the 80s and 90s we will probably get another wave of upgraded desktops overtaking the server upgrade cycle, with desktop power and storage jumping ahead and making the shared resources seem constricting and economically inefficient, and then developers (and users) will rediscover how much better things run when utilizing the greater local resources.

We will then get a decade or two of young programmers rediscovering what that 'unhirable' older ones already knew, holding themselves up as visionary geniuses for realizing things that those 'behind the times' client/server developers were 'doing wrong', attracting hype and investment dollars while repeating the same mistakes people made (and learned from) 2 generations ago.

Rinse, lather, repeat.

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