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Comment Re:To bad it's way less secure than chip and PIN (Score 1) 222

Speaking of extra steps, what's the point of the terminals that ask the user to verify the amount?

The display on the terminal is coming from your bank. It is the amount that you are actually being charged. The display on the cash register is showing whatever the shop wants it to show, and may not necessarily equate with what they are requesting from the bank.

Comment Re:Going, going, not quite gone (Score 1) 385

Rarely. If the movie is any good, it can take years if ever to show up on Netflix streaming. Plenty of movies just aren't there.

If the studios offered legal ways to stream their most popular new releases, it would affect their loss of revenues from piracy, which would lose them political leverage. How will they get the next successor to the DCMA passed then?

Comment Re:Internet Archive's Wayback Machine (Score 1) 234

using a software robot that directs search engines not to access the pages.

Don't tell me the Tories have perfected software robot technology. We'd better hope its not the powerful txt variant, or it will be the clearest sign yet that the reptilian shapeshifters have been successful in conquering our planet's political sphere.

Comment Re:Pretty much. (Score 1) 385

Blockbuster in the US must be different than the rest of the world. I was reading TFS, thinking who in their right minds would have "fond memories" of the McDonalds of video rental stores, which consisted of one wall of new releases (half of which was dedicated to the top ten), and another wall of top ten titles from the past couple of years. Then a rack in the middle with a few other titles that seem popular enough to keep around. If you wanted indie films, the local mom and pop video store was the place to go. Unfortunately, they were the first to suffer due to downloads, as the unwashed masses all want the latest blockbusters that the mom and pop doesn't have the bulk buying power to be able to invest in a large enough quantity of to ensure they always have some copies on the shelves over the short term that it will remain popular.

Comment Re:Not all good (Score 5, Insightful) 328

Psychological addiction is all in your head. You can get addicted to absolutely anything (including non-chemical things like gambling), and you can wake up one morning and quit cold turkey. The real danger from alcohol is the physical addiction. Alcohol is one of the few drugs that can be life threatening if a serious alcoholic suddenly can't get any. As long as the replacement drug is not physically addictive, then it is a big improvement.

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