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Comment This is just embarrassing (Score 1) 40

I knew a professional gambler. He made good money. It's not actually that hard to do if you just do a statistical analysis across all the races and keep track of the state of the horses and jockeys using public information. The hard part is it requires nerves of steel because you will be up 100,000 one day and down 200,000 the next day and up $120,000 a day after that. The point is it's all doable mathematically.

I haven't kept up with it does Madden football still predict the winner of the super bowl every year? Not that it matters since you usually have to gamble on more esoteric things because it's generally not that hard to predict who's going to win it. I always used to wonder how gambling with football was profitable until I found out you don't gamble on the actual outcome of the match you gamble on point spreads and whatnot which are much harder to predict

Comment Tests rarely go better than expected (Score 3, Insightful) 31

Finding unexpected problems is just part of testing, both software and hardware. Russia kept tuning existing Soyuz design and got prices and down and reliability up. US capitalism is addicted to throw-out-and-start-over because investors don't get excited by incremental improvements; they pay for buzz.

It would have been cheaper to send 2 time-tested Apollo missions to have a crew of 5 than reinventing one big Orion. And 2nd would be an emergency backup: crowded but survivable.

Comment MAGAs will rebel (Score 4, Interesting) 78

According to The Tinted One, windmills cause cancer, insomnia inducing hums, kill whales, reduce real-estate values*, and fly apart under heavy winds with the blades slicing shit up.

Some troll(s) posted bunches of fake videos showing windmills exploding under heavy wind, killing horses etc. The gullible fall for it because it fits their preconceived notions.

* Okay, maybe he has point there, but that's ALL he actually cares about because it affects him him and him.

Comment What I like best about Junior (Score 4, Interesting) 71

is that he was a Republican plant (his money comes from big GOP donors) that's so crazy that Democrat nut jobs (we've got plenty of ours) seem to be nopeing the **** out on him leaving him pulling more votes from Trump than the candidate he was actually trying to spoil.

It's telling how weak the modern GOP is that they haven't been able to get a spoiler off the ground. Even the Green Party doesn't have a real candidate this cycle, and from what I can tell what little talk there is around their candidate is just another GOP backed spoiler that the actual Green party voters are spotting a mile away.

Back when Karl Rove & Dick Chaney were in large and in charge of the GOP none of this would be happening. Those bastards could make a spoiler. But the modern GOP just seems to be nothing but gifters lining their own pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if the party split between the pure girfters and the corporate backed guys. Normally the Billionaires would step in and sort it out but the grifters aren't interested in their money, they wanna sell bibles and Trump Bucks (look it up).

Comment Didn't the price just tank? (Score 0, Troll) 17

it looks like it recovered, but it dropped something like 15-20%. I also remember reading that one of the big exchanges had a flash crash down to $10 or $15k thanks to some market manipulation by *one* whale.

I know it's all just money laundering at this point, and from what I understand it's easy to buy in but not so easy to cash out, but still how is anyone treating this as anything more than a mildly disturbing threat to the stability of our finance system at this point?

Comment Re:Yay to the abolition of lithium slavery! (Score 3, Informative) 138

That really isn't their concern, because they're not marketing to the automotive sector, where weight is an issue.

I think if weight were the primary concern with vehicles they woudn't still almost exclusively favor the heaviest optopn available (lead acid) and would be going with something more like lithium.

Lead acid isn't chosen for its weight - it's chosen for its cost, energy density, resilience to vibration, and cranking amps.

Comment There have been several cis women (Score 1) 246

who don't look "womanly" enough and have been harassed and approached by police after Karen types called the cops. Any time you call the cops there's a chance somebody's getting killed. We've been telling the police they're in danger for decades now (even though it's not even on the top 25) and it's made them trigger happy as can be....

Comment Re:Buzzword worship murders KISS & YAGNI (Score 1) 36

One of the reasons COBOL lives is that most COBOL apps are is not UI-tied, meaning UI fads and changes don't affect what it does. Business and administration hasn't changed much since COBOL was designed, other than the fact we normalize a little better because our hardware got faster. People aren't tempted to refashion what they can't see. Java and C# couldn't replace COBOL's lasting power without standardizing business-oriented libraries.

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