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Comment No tax benefits if holding cos make profit (Score 1) 447

As long as some holding company up the chain is making profits wouldn't the Tax kick in at that level ? So, it seems that the only 'benefit' is to avoid paying people who were to get % of gross/net/etc. Isn't that a clear fraud ? With the huge tort cases in the US for every small thing, how come this hasn't gotten fixed yet through some judgments etc ?

Comment Re:Already being done in India and South Africa (Score 2, Interesting) 615

Yeah, we have loads of such stupid laws in India which do NOTHING to prevent criminals but just trouble normal citizens. The sheer number of connections makes it impossible for them to do any check of the documents so they audit 1-2% of the documents. Another recent one is that WIFI should be secured since many terrorists were claiming responsibility for bombings over emails sent through unsecured wifi. Next up - ID required for drinking water. That'll stop all terrorists i'm sure, since all of them drink water sometime or the other.

Submission + - Indian SC bans Lie detector, Narco, Brain tests ( 1 writes: "The Supreme Court of India has ruled that forcing someone to go through brain-mapping, narco-analysis or lie detector tests is unconstitutional because "it is an unwarranted intrusion on the individual's rights."
There are no exceptions, even for terrorists. Unless the Government brings in some new legislation.
The court said that even though there may be apprehensions that hardened criminals & terrorists would benefit from this ruling, it does not deter the highest constitutional court of the country from protecting the rights guaranteed to safeguard the interests of the citizens in their interaction with the government.
Times of India Link, NDTV India Link ."

Comment Indian SC has banned all these tests recently.. (Score 2, Interesting) 197

Interestingly, just a few days back the Supreme Court of India banned any forced polygraph/Narco/Brain Mapping Tests as they violate the constitution as well as the privacy of a citizen, are essentially asking a person to testify against himself, are as bad as torture, and are no better than getting a person drunk .

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