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Comment Re:Do they need this? No. (Score 2) 103

Yes think of the domestic control. Human rights defenders, political parties, journalists, community leaders, trade unionists, legal teams, lawyers all might get an offer of digital files.
With systems like this that can be tracked back to the uploader and tracked to any other new downloaders.
A link sent to one person might get printed out and given to other human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers. No direct contact only interest in the same file.
A great way to stop domestic whistleblowers who try and use digital files and servers or just track a well crafted limited hangout.
A gov or mil needed the cover to say its only for foreigners to keep the gov staff happy.
Most govs worked out many years ago to tell gov staff that vast domestic surveillance networks where always only for foreigners and the Soviet Union. It stops all the same internal legal questions over the decades.

Comment Re:Too late Snowden (Score 1) 103

The press now has all the material.
The material shows that the privacy and anonymity of any net based services can be reduced and tracked.
Anything uploaded or downloaded can be tracked over time. A system to find what is going to be tracked and how to track the uploader and all downloaders. From a journalist under constant surveillance back to a contact who uploaded a file?
No data set is too large, network too difficult.

Comment Re:how did things go before communication over wir (Score 1) 431

Informants with the slang, background story, paperwork and history that was created and correct for a group, cult, political event or other gathering.
Creating informants. Disrupting any real gatherings and recreating the members in a new front group as bait.
Computer networks attract like minded people to post and chat about their interests. At that stage their anonymity and privacy is fair game.
Encryption will not protect the origin of the message from a domestic system like Tempora https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
Privacy is gone when interacting with over time with interesting, creative strangers.
Encryption protects the message along the network. If the end site is a trap or has malware? The users origin could be traced with creative code on a site.
Keep a person of interest posting, making friends, invite them to help with very simple admin work. Turn them, track them or just use their content as bait.
Thats why encryption never worried the NSA or GCHQ. The encryption sold or offered was a junk standard or the entire surrounding network was tame.
The origins or and color of law that followed the The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... should allow some insight into the tame networks.

Comment Re:English as the first language a MUST! (Score 1) 214

The AC seems to list them by some security clearance that then fits in with skills needed on a past US mil or gov computer project?
Groups within some nations can also bring in a lot of shared experiences about college, how they where taught and past work.
That can shape a team or really allow group think to set in, cult like with a leader.

Comment Re:It was known before.. (Score 2) 95

Re "It needed to be replaced with something less detectable."
It depends on where some gov backed malware is found, who is hired to remove it and who can ensure any code found in the wild is not passed to antivirus, spyware and malware protection teams for further global study and public discussion.
A nation would allow its own private sector or academic teams to find the malware networking, create an expert team for the study and removal only to be told it would be done by a domestic intelligence organization.
So Western nation could have teams find the networking used but nothing more would be mentioned in public and the western nation is left with questions about what and who is allowed to run in complex networks for years.
The trust is gone.

Comment Re:NSA = No Sales for Americans (Score 2) 95

Re: "People everywhere in the world are trying to avoid buying"
Nations will just revert to paper, number stations and one time pads. Couriers, cults, faith, background investigations that interview friends, generations of family, teachers in person.
Other nations have systems and trusted staff to revert back to. Expecting junk computer networks to just keep producing real global intelligence was a wonderful boondoggle over decades.
The "most advanced espionage malware platforms ever studied" would then just find disinformation or limited hangouts been produced for the junk global networks :)

Comment Re:It's going to get worse quickly! (Score 2) 110

Re:"The first amendment has officially been shredded, and now comes the icing on the cake."
Anonymity and privacy for whistleblowers is gone with systems like Tempora https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
The ability to track back any contact with a journalist removes all anonymity. The privacy of the message could be lost to malware.
GCHQ captured emails of journalists from top international media (19 jan 2015)
The US always thought it was legally covered with a free and unrestrained press.
Re "Nobody seems to know anything at all about any of these other programs"
The UK media could be the way to understand the tracking and results.

Comment Re:Be afraid (Score 5, Insightful) 110

Re "This rather random assortment of charges that make you go "huh?"
The US press and media thought it had it all after the Pentagon Papers

Now the US press has to try and stay how many hops away before publishing or commenting?
Very chilling for the US press.

Comment Re:Domestic war (Score 0) 148

Re: "German forces were forced to go around it in the interests of time."
Germany had the skills and planners to ensure the Maginot Line was useless. Germany went around and over forts.
Re "Multiple zones are needed, including zone de sécurité, zone d'exclusion."
East Germany tried that for the Berlin Wall and its different restricted boarder zones. People still made it over, under and escaped a massive set of complex local controls and a real wall with all its complexity.
All France can do now is fund a massive infiltration of its population with informants, spies and under cover police.
East Germany found that much more effective at preventing people from even getting to the restricted boarder zones.
As for France and its romantic return to building big forts what exclusion zone would be considered?
Lots of eminent domain? Lots of just and preliminary compensation around each site?
Or just build a big fort on the existing land at each site?

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