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Submission + - MAME Changing License to Fully Libre One

jones_supa writes: The source code of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) has long been freely available, but it's never been completely libre. Instead it's been available under a modified BSID license that prohibits, among other things, commercial use of the code. MAME engineer Miodrag Milanovic explains that such license was put in place to deter "misuse of MAME in illegal ways," but it also kept legitimate commercial entities doing business with the software. Examples of such could be museums that charge entry fees from using MAME in their exhibits, or copyright holders rereleasing vintage games encapsulated inside MAME. Now the project wants to go fully open. Milanovic continues: "Our aim is to help legal license owners in distributing their games based on MAME platform, and to make MAME become a learning tool for developers working on development boards." As of yet, there are no specific details about the new license.

Submission + - A Look At GTA V PC Performance And Image Quality At 4K (hothardware.com)

MojoKid writes: Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series has been wildly successful for many years now, offering some of the edgiest story lines, game play tactics and objectives the gaming industry has ever seen. With psychopathic main characters, you are left in the depraved communities of Los Santos and Blaine County, to walk a path few would dare choose in real life. And it's rather entertaining of course, that you're tasked with leaving a virtual world worse off than you found it, consequences be damned. But what does it take to run GTA V at 4K (3840X2160) resolution? This article takes a look at that, as well as how it scales over multiple NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPUs, along with some screen shots that look at image quality at Ultra HD resolution. It's safe to say one strong, high-end GPU will get the job done, but two in SLI or CrossFire are better of course, if you want to max out all IQ settings.

Submission + - US Supply of IPv4 Addresses To Run Out Soon (newsfactor.com)

gunner_von_diamond writes: The U.S. is on track to run out of IPv4 addresses sometime this summer, although most everyday Internet users aren't likely to notice any changes. For Internet service providers (ISPs), however, IPv4 exhaustion means they have to begin — if they haven't already — making plans to transition to IPv6.
Such IP address exhaustion should no longer be a problem once ISPs and enterprises convert to IPv6, the 128-bit number protocol first deployed in 1999 to replace IPv4. IPv6 will support 340 trillion trillion trillion possible addresses, but organizations currently using IPv4 will have to upgrade their networks to be able to take advantage of that much larger address pool.

Submission + - Google's self-driving cars roll onto public roads this summer (thestack.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Google’s latest self-driving car prototype is expected to make its debut on public roads in California this summer. The two-seater driverless vehicle is the first of its type to be purpose built for self-driving, according to the tech giant. Using sensors the smart car is able to drive, brake, and identify obstacles and hazards without human intervention. The latest design differs from Google’s first driverless prototype unveiled last year – which was so basic it even lacked real headlights. The new model although slightly more sophisticated, still does not contain air bags and does not meet state safety requirements, which limit the vehicles to 25mph. The car is electric and needs to be recharged after 80 miles of driving. The smart vehicle is also only able to drive on roads mapped by Google. The first cars to take to Californian roads will still feature a steering wheel and a gas pedal to meet state regulations. The same law requires that a driver can take back control of the vehicle when necessary. However, Google continues to fight for more flexible regulations.

Submission + - MenuetOS, an operating system written entirely in assembly, hits 1.0 (computerworld.com.au)

angry tapir writes: MenuetOS, a GUI-toting, x86-based operating system written entirely in assembly language that's super-fast and can fit on a floppy disk, has hit version 1.0 — after almost a decade and a half of development. (And yes, it can run Doom). I caught up with its developers to talk about the operating system and what comes next for it.

Comment PDF retains the layout (Score 1) 200

I am working on a project that requires uploading and storing of documents. Although the application will need to allow uploading of .docx, doc, .pdf, etc, I'd like to store the documents in a standard open format that will allow easy search, compression, rendering, etc. Which open document format is the best?

PDF allows accurate rendering so it's the best choice. It will be a hot mess if you use anything else. Conversion of such complex formats is very error-prone for layout problems.

Submission + - Eurozone Economy Improves, Finland and Greece Still In Trouble (nytimes.com)

jones_supa writes: The eurozone economy grew modestly in the first quarter, an official report showed on Wednesday, as a surprisingly strong showing in France helped to compensate for a slowdown in Germany. The economies of Finland and Greece, however, contracted for a second straight quarter, meeting the technical definition of a recession. Greece, crushed by the budget austerity demanded by its European partners in order to obtain bailout funds, had barely started to recover from five years of recession. The Finnish economy has been hurt in part by the decline in trade with Russia after the Western-imposed sanctions against Vladimir Putin's government over the crisis in Ukraine. The bloc's economy has been expanding since the first half of 2013. Economists credit the happy combination of a weak euro, low oil prices and the European Central Bank's effort to drive down interest rates with aggressive monetary policy for keeping the expansion alive.

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