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Comment Re:forever actually (Score 0) 1198

I love how you get to define single-point rules that say "if X, then not Y", as if you are an authority on a nebulous concept that hasn't been defined.

Guess what? America has a weed culture, but because it is illegal, people don't usually brag about their use of it, despite our use being one of the highest on the planet.

Your logic is shit. Convenient (for you) shit.

Comment Re:Good... (Score 2) 84

Good, the hand held gaming console is dead...

If that is the case, then why praytell have used Game Boy systems (from the Pocket to the Advance SP) been consistent sellers for me on Amazon the past few months, with prices ranging anywhere from $24.95 for a clear Game Boy Pocket to $64.95 for an Onyx Black Game Boy Advance SP?

In fact, the only handheld I have left in my Amazon store is a black DS Lite.

Comment Re:A drop in the bucket. (Score 1) 420

That's easy to fix : put water meters at every house and make people pay per-gallon. You'll see people fixing their plumbing the day right after they receive the first bill


Apartments and (some) condos likely pay water as part of their rent/HOA, but pretty much everyone else in this country pays a water bill.

And then there are those of us who do not fall into either of those groups, and have a well instead.

Comment Re:All Your Constitutional Rights are Belong to US (Score 1) 178

It's time for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention:

Wouldn't it be easier to blow-up the Senate and Congress? "Hi my name is Martha Washington. "

The ones who could do that won't come anywhere near Earth until country-western music is eradicated here. That causes them to experience spontaneous cerebral detonation. (Ack-ackackack!)

Comment Re:Why do these people always have something to hi (Score 1) 348

His private emails were not private. They were public. Just like a governor's text messages are public record - another ruling from today. If you are on a project the public paid for, writing an email with time the public paid for, IT'S PUBLIC. Judge is wrong. Case law supporting this ruling is wrong.

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